Eline (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe World Record)

BigBlueisthefinaltrackoftheBellCupinMarioKart8.ItbasedontheF-Zeroseries,likeMuteCity.LikeMountWarioandN64RainbowRoad, ...,BigBlueisaDLCcoursefromMarioKart8anditsport,MarioKart8Deluxe,basedontheF-Zerotrack,BigBlue.Itisthefourthandfinalcourseinthe ...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Big Blue - Mario Kart Racing Wiki

Big Blue is the final track of the Bell Cup in Mario Kart 8. It based on the F-Zero series, like Mute City. Like Mount Wario and N64 Rainbow Road, ...

Big Blue (Mario Kart)

Big Blue is a DLC course from Mario Kart 8 and its port, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, based on the F-Zero track, Big Blue. It is the fourth and final course in the ...

Big Blue (From "Mario Kart 8")

Listen to Big Blue (From Mario Kart 8) on Spotify. The Greatest Bits · Song · 2020.

Big Blue

2024年1月7日 — Big Blue is the fourth and last course of the Bell Cup included with the Animal Crossing × Mario Kart 8 downloadable content in Mario Kart 8 ...


BigBlueisthefinaltrackoftheBellCupinMarioKart8.ItbasedontheF-Zeroseries,likeMuteCity.LikeMountWarioandN64RainbowRoad, ...,BigBlueisaDLCcoursefromMarioKart8anditsport,MarioKart8Deluxe,basedontheF-Zerotrack,BigBlue.Itisthefourthandfinalcourseinthe ...,ListentoBigBlue(FromMarioKart8)onSpotify.TheGreatestBits·Song·2020.,2024年1月7日—BigBlueisthefourthandlastcourseoftheBellCupincludedwiththeAnimalC...
