
All Mario & Luigi Games, Ranked

The Mario & Luigi series is known for its unique take on the RPG genre. The best entries in the series successfully embrace a wacky, offbeat tone.

Are the Mario + Luigi series worth playing? : rJRPG

Absolutely, yes. All five games are fantastic, loaded with the same humor, colorful aesthetics, and zany characters that made Paper Mario great.

Learn about the Mario & Luigi series before their upcoming adventure!

Like previous games in the series, Mario & Luigi: Brothership is an action-adventure RPG (role-playing game) where you'll control BOTH brothers— ...

Mario & Luigi (series)

The series features games with long, detailed stories full of battles featuring Mario and Luigi as the titular characters. As in the Paper Mario series, the ... Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time · Superstar Saga · Dream Team · Paper

Mario & Luigi (series) | Mario Wiki

The Mario & Luigi series is one of the two main RPG series in the Mario franchise after Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars with the other being the ...

Mario & Luigi

Mario & Luigi is a series of role-playing video games published by Nintendo and originally developed by AlphaDream prior to their bankruptcy.

Mario & Luigi: Every Game Ranked

Summary. The Mario & Luigi series has been delighting RPG fans since the Game Boy Advance, but some of its games are better than others.

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga is a 2003 role-playing video game developed by AlphaDream and published by Nintendo for the Game Boy Advance.

What is the best game in the entire Mario & Luigi Series?

Bowser's Inside Story, is the general consensus when it comes to the best game. I personally prefer SS, but BiS is also VERY good, so I can see ...


TheMario&LuigiseriesisknownforitsuniquetakeontheRPGgenre.Thebestentriesintheseriessuccessfullyembraceawacky,offbeattone.,Absolutely,yes.Allfivegamesarefantastic,loadedwiththesamehumor,colorfulaesthetics,andzanycharactersthatmadePaperMariogreat.,Likepreviousgamesintheseries,Mario&Luigi:Brothershipisanaction-adventureRPG(role-playinggame)whereyou'llcontrolBOTHbrothers— ...,Theseriesfeatu...
