
Amazing Minesweeper World Records

Incredibly, in 2020, a 12 year old boy, Ze-En Ju, broke a ten year world record for the fastest Minesweeper speedrun on an expert board with an amazing 29.43 seconds . This broke the record from 2010 by a full 1.7 seconds, which is huge.

Every Current Official Minesweeper World Record As Of Today

As of 18.11.2024 Those are all of the Official Minseweeper World Records TIMESTAMPS TIME WORLD RECORDS: Beginner (Flag +NoFlag) 0:04 ...

Fastest combined completion time of Minesweeper

The fastest combined completion time of Minesweeper on all three difficulties is 38.65 seconds and was achieved by Kamil Murański (Poland).


View Minesweeper speedruns, leaderboards, forums and more on Speedrun.com.

Minesweeper Expert World Record in 25.10 by Ze

Uploading on behalf of JZE [Twitter]: https://twitter.com/Realkiraa96 [Discord]: https://discord.gg/Tz2e23thdn.

Minesweeper Expert World Record in 27.53 by JZE (Ze

Minesweeper Expert World Record in 27.53 by JZE (Ze-en Ju) · Comments52.

Minesweeper World Records

The world record for Minesweeper on Easy level is 1 second, Intermediate 6 seconds and Expert 27 seconds. This page lists all Minesweeper best times that ...

rspeedrun on Reddit: 13-year-old Ze

13-year-old Ze-En Ju from China was recently verified as the fastest Minesweeper player on Earth, with the total best solve times of 36.68 seconds.

World Records - Minesweeper Wiki

Category, Result, Player, Date, Notes. Beginner Time, 0.45, kiraa96, 3 January 2020. Intermediate Time, 5.80 · Ze-En Ju, 31 March 2022.

[World Record] Minesweeper Expert 31.133 seconds

[World Record] Minesweeper Expert 31.133 seconds - held since July 3, 2010 : r/speedrun.


Incredibly,in2020,a12yearoldboy,Ze-EnJu,brokeatenyearworldrecordforthefastestMinesweeperspeedrunonanexpertboardwithanamazing29.43seconds.Thisbroketherecordfrom2010byafull1.7seconds,whichishuge.,Asof18.11.2024ThosearealloftheOfficialMinseweeperWorldRecordsTIMESTAMPSTIMEWORLDRECORDS:Beginner(Flag+NoFlag)0:04 ...,ThefastestcombinedcompletiontimeofMinesweeperonallthreedifficultiesis38.65secondsand...