Create a Sitemap Using Mockflow

MockFlowSiteMapisthequickestwaytocreatesitemapsandUIflows.ItintegratesnicelywithinyourJIRAtasks.Generateawebsitearchitectureoran ...,Easilycreateuserflows,websitesitemapsandembedthemasimagesintoyourconfluencedocsandwikis.Selectfromgorgeousthemes,...。參考影片的文章的如下:


MockFlow SiteMap for Jira

MockFlow SiteMap is the quickest way to create sitemaps and UI flows. It integrates nicely within your JIRA tasks. Generate a website architecture or an ...

MockFlow SiteMap for Confluence

Easily create userflows, website sitemaps and embed them as images into your confluence docs and wikis. Select from gorgeous themes, node thumbnails and build ...

網站企劃工具分享:Wireframe有障礙?別錯過MockFlow (下)

2019年4月17日 — 切換到右邊的Map後,可以看到已經排好的SiteMap架構,這架構是關係到Pages裡的資料與排列的方式喔!如果歸類的好,那麼網站的SiteMap就可以自動產出,是 ...

Create sitemaps and UI flows effectively

Privately share sitemaps with reviewers and co-editors or publicly share by generating link. Comments.

Create SiteMaps inside MockFlow

Create SiteMap diagrams with MockFlow's simple and fast online Sitemaping tool to help you visualize the structure of your website and it's workflow.


Sitemap; Wireframepro; Styleguide; Usertesting; 20+ product design tools; Flowchart; Designer. Manage. Design space; Design files; Design embeds. Integrate.

About SiteMap

About SiteMap. The SiteMap tool in MockFlow design suite allows designers to visually plan their information architecture and also create UI flows.

MockFlow SiteMap Power

MockFlow SiteMap Power-Up allows you to visualize your sitemap and UI flows, and then finally attach the created sitemap to your Trello cards all without ...

MockFlow SiteMap

Create beautiful sitemaps in minutes and visually represent Figma frames as node thumbnails.


MockFlowSiteMapisthequickestwaytocreatesitemapsandUIflows.ItintegratesnicelywithinyourJIRAtasks.Generateawebsitearchitectureoran ...,Easilycreateuserflows,websitesitemapsandembedthemasimagesintoyourconfluencedocsandwikis.Selectfromgorgeousthemes,nodethumbnailsandbuild ...,2019年4月17日—切換到右邊的Map後,可以看到已經排好的SiteMap架構,這架構是關係到Pages裡的資料與排列的方式喔!如果歸類的好,那...