
MonosnapscreenshottoolforMacandPCwithowncloudstorage.Takescreenshots,recordvideosanduploadfilesdirectlytothecloud.Justinoneclick.,MonosnapscreenshottoolforMacandPCwithowncloudstorage.Takescreenshots,recordvideosanduploadfilesdirectlytothecloud.Justinoneclick.,Monosnapisafreeutilitythatallowsyoutocaptureimagesorvideofromyourscreen,editthemandsharethemonavarietyofplatforms.Itcanalsorecord ...,20...


Monosnap screenshot tool for Mac and PC with own cloud storage. Take screenshots, record videos and upload files directly to the cloud. Just in one click.


Monosnap screenshot tool for Mac and PC with own cloud storage. Take screenshots, record videos and upload files directly to the cloud. Just in one click.


Monosnap is a free utility that allows you to capture images or video from your screen, edit them and share them on a variety of platforms. It can also record ...


2022年7月19日 — Monosnap用於製作屏幕截圖和錄製截屏.

Monosnap - screenshot editor on the Mac App Store

Capture and edit screenshots, upload files, record video and .GIFs! Share a visual explanation with your clients and colleagues. Free version:.

Monosnap 免費螢幕截圖、錄影軟體,沒有限制影片長度無水印 ...

2023年6月5日 — Monosnap 使用說明: · Windows 剪取工具,使用內建功能製作螢幕截圖 · Snipaste 超乎想像的截圖軟體,桌面就是編輯區 · oCam 免費螢幕錄影、截圖、錄音 ...

在Mac App Store 上的「Monosnap - screenshot editor」

簡介. Capture and edit screenshots, upload files, record video and .GIFs! Share a visual explanation with your clients and colleagues.