Mouse Jiggler 5 Hours

Amousejiggler&jigglermouse,whichcyclesthroughyourscreenswhenawayandkeepsyourScreens,MicrosoftTeamsWeb&Desktop,Outlook,Skype,Zoom, ...,MouseJigglerisaverysimplepieceofsoftwarewhosesolefunctionistofakemouseinputtoWindows,andjigglethemousepointerbac...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Mouse Jiggler - Mouse Mover

A mouse jiggler & jiggler mouse, which cycles through your screens when away and keeps your Screens, Microsoft Teams Web & Desktop, Outlook, Skype, Zoom, ...

arkane-systemsmousejiggler: Mouse Jiggler is a very ...

Mouse Jiggler is a very simple piece of software whose sole function is to fake mouse input to Windows, and jiggle the mouse pointer back and forth.

Mouse Jiggler

Mouse Jiggler is a free utility and tool app that offers a straightforward solution by simulating mouse movements to prevent screensavers or ...

Mouse Jiggler for Windows

評分 4.0 (21) · 免費 · Windows Mouse Jiggler is a simple tool with which you can simulate the movement of your mouse, so you do not see your screen saver and your system is not put into ...

MouseJiggle Download

Mouse Jiggle - the best mousemover & mousejiggler for Windows 10. Moves & jiggles your mouse silently to prevent your computer screen from locking.

MouseJiggle 4.7 Download (Free trial)

Mouse Jiggle - the best mousemover & mousejiggler for Windows 10. Moves & jiggles your mouse silently to prevent your computer screen from ...

MouseJiggle 4.6

MouseJiggle 是在由Dekker Information Technologies開發類別System Utilities Shareware 軟體。 它是由我們用戶端應用程式更新期間的最後一個月的使用者更新157 次進行 ...

Computer Mouse Jiggler | Jiggle Mouse

MouseJiggle fakes mouse movement in Windows to prevent your computer screen from locking. It silently jiggles the mouse pointer back & forth.

Mouse Jiggler 幫你動動滑鼠,看影片文章不啟動螢幕保護程式

使用「Mouse Jiggle」,直接啟動軟體,勾選「Enable jiggle」和「Zen Jiggle」(禪之移動?也就是游標看起來不動,而是你的心在動但實際上有移動),這樣一來電腦就會一直以為你 ...

Please don't download mouse jiggle programs : rantiwork

As an MMORPG player, jiggle programs are unnecessary, stick a penny in your keyboard so that your tab button keeps clicking and you should avoid ...


Amousejiggler&jigglermouse,whichcyclesthroughyourscreenswhenawayandkeepsyourScreens,MicrosoftTeamsWeb&Desktop,Outlook,Skype,Zoom, ...,MouseJigglerisaverysimplepieceofsoftwarewhosesolefunctionistofakemouseinputtoWindows,andjigglethemousepointerbackandforth.,MouseJigglerisafreeutilityandtoolappthatoffersastraightforwardsolutionbysimulatingmousemovementstopreventscreensaversor ...,評分4.0...