ABOUTMuPDFisalightweightopensourcesoftwareframeworkforviewingandconvertingPDF,XPS,andE-bookdocuments.Seethedocumentationin: ...,MuPDFisalightweightPDF,XPS,andE-bookviewer.MuPDFconsistsofasoftwarelibrary,commandlinetools,andviewersforvariousplatforms.,MuPDF是一款以C語言編寫的自由及開放原始碼軟體函式庫,是PDF和XPS解析和彩現引擎。主要用以彩現頁面為點陣圖,但也提供對其他操作諸如搜尋和列舉目錄和連...


ABOUT MuPDF is a lightweight open source software framework for viewing and converting PDF, XPS, and E-book documents. See the documentation in: ...


MuPDF is a lightweight PDF, XPS, and E-book viewer. MuPDF consists of a software library, command line tools, and viewers for various platforms.



MuPDF 1.23.0 免安裝版

免費PDF閱讀軟體- MuPDF,只有PDF、XPS檔閱讀的功能,所有操作都使用快速鍵,鍵盤上下鍵快速切換上一頁、下一頁,按「W」縮放至符合寬度、按「H」縮放 ...

MuPDF documentation

MuPDF - the lightweight PDF, XPS, and E-book viewer.

MuPDF releases

MuPDF - the lightweight PDF, XPS, and E-book viewer.

MuPDF viewer

MuPDF viewer is an app for reading PDF, XPS, CBZ, and unprotected EPUB documents. This is a slim version of the MuPDF app, which focuses on reading only.

MuPDF viewer

2024年2月23日 — MuPDF观众阅读PDF,XPS,CBZ,和未受保护的EPUB文档的应用程序。 这是MuPDF的应用程序,其只专注于阅读的缩小版本。它不支持编辑注释或填写表格。