NBA Playgrounds PS4
NBA Playgrounds PS4


全新現貨PS4 NBA 2K 熱血街球場2 中文美版Playgrounds ...


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NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 (EnglishChineseKorean ...

NBA arcade action is back with NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 The sequel to the ... Although this game is playable on PS5, some features available on PS4 may be absent.

NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 (PS4)

Features · Pick up and play, family friendly arcade basketball · Take street balling to the next level with a new Season mode · Massive roster of current and ...

Nba 2K Playgrounds 2 - PlayStation 4

Play 2-on-2locally with friends, four-player online games with improved matchmaking, or head-to-head three-point contests. Expanded Roster Collect over 400 NBA ...

NBA 2K 熱血街球場2 NBA 2K Playgrounds 2

《NBA 2K 熱血街球場2》提供多種遊戲方式,讓玩家可以獨自遊玩、與朋友一起玩,或是對抗世界各地的玩家。「熱血街球場錦標賽」模式能讓玩家參與全球排名聯賽,並提供了 ...

NBA Playgrounds 2 PS4的價格推薦- 2024年2月

現貨熱血街球場2 中文版PS4遊戲片兩款運費半價NBA2K Playgrounds 2 PS4熱血街球場PS5遊戲 · $749. 價格持平. 露天拍賣. bestbuymore的賣場(18). 已下架.

《NBA 2K 熱血街球場2》 (中日英韓文版)

雖然這款遊戲可以在PS5上遊玩,但是可能會缺少某些在PS4上可以使用的機能。詳情請參閱。 購買或使用本內容需遵守SEN使用條款及用戶合約。

全新現貨PS4 NBA 2K 熱血街球場2 中文美版Playgrounds ...

全新現貨PS4 NBA 2K 熱血街球場2 中文美版Playgrounds 2 歡樂競技場2 中文英文字幕英文語音英文封面實體光碟美版賣場為美版,亞版光碟就是美版光碟,兩者是一樣的。


NBAarcadeactionisbackwithNBA2KPlaygrounds2Thesequeltothe...AlthoughthisgameisplayableonPS5,somefeaturesavailableonPS4maybeabsent.,Features·Pickupandplay,familyfriendlyarcadebasketball·TakestreetballingtothenextlevelwithanewSeasonmode·Massiverosterofcurrentand ...,Play2-on-2locallywithfriends,four-playeronlinegameswithimprovedmatchmaking,orhead-to-headthree-pointcontests.ExpandedRosterCollectov...