
Nalpropionisabiopharmaceuticalcompanyfocusedonthetreatmentofweightloss.CONTRAVE(naltrexoneHClandbupropionHClextendedrelease), ...,NalpropionPharmaceuticalsisabiopharmaceuticalcompanyfocusedonthetreatmentofweightloss.AcquiredbyCurraxPharmaceuticals.,CompanyprofilepageforNalpropionPharmaceuticalsIncincludingstockprice,companynews,executives,boardmembers,andcontactinformation.,Thisproductisassoci...

Currax™ Pharmaceuticals LLC Announces the Acquisition of ...

Nalpropion is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the treatment of weight loss. CONTRAVE (naltrexone HCl and bupropion HCl extended release), ...

Nalpropion Pharmaceuticals

Nalpropion Pharmaceuticals is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the treatment of weight loss. Acquired by Currax Pharmaceuticals.

Nalpropion Pharmaceuticals Inc

Company profile page for Nalpropion Pharmaceuticals Inc including stock price, company news, executives, board members, and contact information.

Nalpropion Pharmaceuticals LLC - 09222020

This product is associated with a number of serious risks. The PI for the drug contains a boxed warning regarding suicidal thoughts and ...

Nalpropion Pharmaceuticals LLC - 610942 - 05102023

Based on our evaluation, it appears that you have addressed the violations contained in this Warning Letter. Future FDA surveillance will ...

Nalpropion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Explore Nalpropion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. with its drug pipeline, therapeutic area, technology platform, 3 news, and 1 literature, ...


Naltrexone/bupropion, sold under the brand name Contrave among others, is a fixed-dose combination medication for the management of chronic obesity in adults

Orexigen Enters into Agreement to Sell Company to Newly Formed ...

Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc. could be acquired by the newly-formed company Nalpropion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for $75 million in cash.

非逐字相同之等同描述有可能滿足書面露要件;另,已知 ...

此藥物是納曲酮(naltrexone)及安非他酮(bupropion)緩釋劑型,用於體重管理。 在地院階段,Actavis 提出專利無效之訴,指出'195 專利不符書面揭露要件,以及' ...