How to identify font using Fonts Ninja

Morethan30,000fontstochooseforyournextdesign.FontsNinjaChromeExtension.Identifyandbookmarkfontsfromanywebsite·Viewallalternatives ...,Identifyfontsfromanywebsite,bookmark,try,andbuythem.-----------------Features:FontDNAOurproprietaryalgorithmanal...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Font Face Ninja

More than 30,000 fonts to choose for your next design. Fonts Ninja Chrome Extension. Identify and bookmark fonts from any website · View all alternatives ...

Fonts Ninja

Identify fonts from any website, bookmark, try, and buy them. ----------------- Features : Font DNA Our proprietary algorithm analyses font ...

Fonts Ninja

Speed up your design workflow! Identify fonts from any website, bookmark, try, and buy them. ----------------- Features : Font DNA Our proprietary algorithm ...

Fonts Ninja

Fonts Ninja helps to identify fonts and provide information about them by checking available styles, foundry, and price. The algorithm examines the fonts as ...

Fonts Ninja on the Mac App Store

Identify any font from any website. Inspect fonts by hovering them to get their name, size, color, and more! You can also try them.

Fonts Ninja

Speed up your design process! Access more than 3000 popular fonts and instantly try them in any design software. Try Fonts Ninja for free! Try fonts without

Fonts Ninja – Get this Extension for ???? Firefox (en

Identify fonts from any website, bookmark, try, and buy them. ... Our proprietary algorithm analyses font files to get more accurate results.

How to use Fonts Ninja application

3 Activate and inspect. Click on the Fonts Ninja logo in your browser to activate the extension. You can then roll over any texts to identify the font.


Morethan30,000fontstochooseforyournextdesign.FontsNinjaChromeExtension.Identifyandbookmarkfontsfromanywebsite·Viewallalternatives ...,Identifyfontsfromanywebsite,bookmark,try,andbuythem.-----------------Features:FontDNAOurproprietaryalgorithmanalysesfont ...,Speedupyourdesignworkflow!Identifyfontsfromanywebsite,bookmark,try,andbuythem.-----------------Features:FontDNAOurproprietaryalgorithm .....
