
Digital Storyteller

If you had a profile in the past we kindly ask you to please create a new one if you want to apply for a new position. If you want to check on the progress of ...

Nokia Storyteller Archives

Nokia Storyteller · Nokia Lumia joins World Storytelling Day · Getting stuck into Storyteller · Nokia Lumia Black Update: a retrospective · Nokia Storyteller – it's ...

Nokia 的Storyteller app 截圖被流出

2016年7月14日 — 沒錯,這次的流出行動又是由@evleaks 操刀,但流出的不是手機,而是一個名為Storyteller 的Nokia app 截圖。據圖片所示,這個app 理應有Windows Phone ...

Storyteller Photos App

With the Nokia Storyteller app our aim was to automatically collate your photos and videos or 'memories' in a more human way via moments in time or location.

結合6吋Full HD超畫質螢幕及全新Nokia Storyteller地圖相簿

全新的Nokia Storyteller地圖相簿結合Here地圖與PureView影像技術,推可依時間、地點自動編排精彩照片,並提供周邊景點資訊,更可自由編輯個人專屬主題故事。

超大6 吋螢幕Nokia Lumia 1520 會場實機試玩

Nokia Storyteller. 另外,新的Lumia 1520 / 1320 也搭載Nokia Storyteller 應用程式,它可以自動根據使用者拍攝的時間與地點,把類似的照片集結起來,並可以直接在地圖 ...


Ifyouhadaprofileinthepastwekindlyaskyoutopleasecreateanewoneifyouwanttoapplyforanewposition.Ifyouwanttocheckontheprogressof ...,NokiaStoryteller·NokiaLumiajoinsWorldStorytellingDay·GettingstuckintoStoryteller·NokiaLumiaBlackUpdate:aretrospective·NokiaStoryteller–it's ...,2016年7月14日—沒錯,這次的流出行動又是由@evleaks操刀,但流出的不是手機,而是一個名為Storyteller的Nokiaapp截圖。據圖片所示,...