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NowSmart Audio Cutter - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

Lets you cut clips out of audio (MP3, OGG, WAV, M4A) files, also it is able to extract audio clips from AVI, WMV, MKV, MP4, RM, RMVB files.

NowSmart Studio

NowSmart Sound Recorder for Windows 10. Free. Easily record sounds to files.

NowSmart Cut

This is a mp3 cutter software, which can cut audio clips out of audio/video files (mp3/mp4), then export to mp3 files.


Download latest version of NowSmart Talkin for Windows. Safe and Virus Free.

[限時免費] NowSmart Talkin

可以錄製即時對話的錄音軟體- NowSmart Talkin,不同於一般的錄音軟體只能選擇喇叭或麥克風來錄音,能夠同時把喇叭跟麥克風的聲音都收錄進來!

NowSmart Audio Recorder - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

Capture high-quality audio from voices, apps, webpages and online conversations. Support MP3, WAV files. Discover the simplicity of capturing audio with ...

nowsmart cut官方版下载[音频切割]

nowsmart cut官方版是一款非常专业的音频切割软件。它的界面简洁、操作简单;可让您从音频文件中剪辑音频,支持从视频文件中提取音频剪辑。与需要您了解录音技术的复杂 ...

User Guide

Basics: Step1: Choose a recording source. Step2: Specify a target file name. (optional) Step3: Start recording.

NowSmart Audio Recorder

Record, save, and enjoy high-quality audio from any source on your Windows system. Whether it's music, online meetings, VoIP calls, or personal voice notes, ...

NowSmart Cut:免費音樂影片切割軟體,3個步驟迅速搞定

NowSmart Cut 是一款超級簡單,而且非常容易上手的音樂切割軟體,只要三個步驟就可以把音樂的片段擷取出來製作成手機鈴聲,還可以加入漸入、漸出的效果,來電 ...

