US to Build Nuclear Bomb 24 Times More Powerful Than ...

Anuclearweaponisanexplosivedevicethatderivesitsdestructiveforcefromnuclearreactions,eitherfission(fissionbomb)oracombinationoffission ...,TheB61nuclearbombistheprimarythermonucleargravitybombintheUnitedStatesEnduringStockpilefollowingtheendoftheC...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Nuclear weapon

A nuclear weapon is an explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions, either fission (fission bomb) or a combination of fission ...

B61 nuclear bomb

The B61 nuclear bomb is the primary thermonuclear gravity bomb in the United States Enduring Stockpile following the end of the Cold War.

NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein

W-39, US H-bomb, almost accidentally detonated in 1961 (4 Mt), Dong Feng-5 ... Note that you can drag the target marker after you have detonated the nuke.

What would happen if a nuclear bomb went off in ...

Experience the power of a low-yield nuclear weapon in your area.

Curious Kids

2023年7月20日 — A nuclear bomb is a bomb that makes explosions by changing the nucleus of an atom in a way that releases a lot of energy.

Development and proliferation of atomic bombs

2024年5月28日 — The explosion, which had the force of more than 15,000 tons of TNT, instantly and completely devastated 11.4 square km (4.4 square miles) of the ...

Nuclear Weapons History

US drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The United States detonates a uranium bomb over Hiroshima, Japan killing more than 140,000 people within months. Many more ...


Anuclearweaponisanexplosivedevicethatderivesitsdestructiveforcefromnuclearreactions,eitherfission(fissionbomb)oracombinationoffission ...,TheB61nuclearbombistheprimarythermonucleargravitybombintheUnitedStatesEnduringStockpilefollowingtheendoftheColdWar.,W-39,USH-bomb,almostaccidentallydetonatedin1961(4Mt),DongFeng-5...Notethatyoucandragthetargetmarkerafteryouhavedetonatedthenuke.,Experiencethe...
