
Free online readability checker

Here's how it works: Add your text to get an instant readability score. Check the red and yellow highlights to see the sentences hurting your score.

Free Readability checker

評分 8.5/10 (141) · 免費 · 商業/生產力 Use the Readability Checker to automatically check the readability for any given URL or text input. To calculate your score just submit your input type and ...

Free Readability Checker

評分 4.6 (353) Grade your content automatically with our free readability checker tool. Our score is based on Flesch Kincaid and Gunning Fog reading levels.

Readability Calculator

With our free readability checker you can instantly calculate how easily your intended audience will be able to read your written content.

Readability score | Readability test

Dive in to your readability scores, spelling and grammar checking, style issues, clichés, profanity, to see where your content needs work.

Readability Scoring System PLUS with the Robert Gunning Editor

評分 4.5 (1,232) · 免費 Readability Scoring System will analyze your text and score the reading ease or reading difficulty of your text based on popular readability formulas.

Readability Test

WebFX Readability Test Tool tests your work and gives a score using standard readability indicators like Flesch Kincaid Reading Ease, SMOG Index, and more. Automated Readability index · Flesch Kincaid Reading Ease

Readability Test — The First Word

Paste your text into the box below and your score will pop up in the yellow box. Use the scale below to see how your score measures up to famous writers, ...

Tests Document Readability

This free online software tool calculates readability : Coleman Liau index, Flesch Kincaid Grade Level, ARI (Automated Readability Index), SMOG.

Website Readability Checker

Our checker automatically crawls your website and generates a readability score for each article, letting you know which target groups it's best suited for.


Here'showitworks:Addyourtexttogetaninstantreadabilityscore.Checktheredandyellowhighlightstoseethesentenceshurtingyourscore.,評分8.5/10(141)·免費·商業/生產力UsetheReadabilityCheckertoautomaticallycheckthereadabilityforanygivenURLortextinput.Tocalculateyourscorejustsubmityourinputtypeand ...,評分4.6(353)Gradeyourcontentautomaticallywithourfreereadabilitycheckertool.OurscoreisbasedonFleschKincaid...