How to create a table of contents in a PDF

LaunchPDFExpert5;Clickonbutton;ChooseOutlines;TapEdit;ClickonTrashicontodeletetheoutline.Tocreatemulti-leveloutlines, ...,–Distance/Area/Perimetercanbeusedtodrawalinebetweentwopointsonthedrawing,highlightanarea,oroutlineaperimeter,andPDFExpertwil...。參考影片的文章的如下:


4.5. Create and Edit Table of Contents

Launch PDF Expert 5; Click on button; Choose Outlines; Tap Edit; Click on Trash icon to delete the outline. To create multi-level outlines, ...

在Mac App Store 上的「PDF Expert

– Distance / Area / Perimeter can be used to draw a line between two points on the drawing, highlight an area, or outline a perimeter, and PDF Expert will ...

Create a table of contents in a PDF on Mac

Open the sidebar. · Select the Outlines tab and click the + button. · That's it! The outline will link to the currently opened page.

How to edit PDF on iPhone and iPad

Open a PDF file. · Tap at the bottom. · Select the central Outlines tab. If the file already has a table of contents, you'll see it here. · Tap Add Outline. Now, ...

Understanding the Difference between Bookmarks and ...

Fact #1: The PDF spec conflates outline elements and bookmarks. It states the following. The outline consists of a tree-structured hierarchy of outline items ( ...

Create a table of contents in a PDF file

Launch PDF Expert for Mac and open the needed PDF file. · Outlines can be added and navigated from the Bookmarks, outlines, annotations summary pane on the left ...

Print outpaste the table of contents or outline view from a PDF

2021年3月13日 — In PDF expert for Mac I can make an Outline/Table of contents, but no way to print/paste the outline/TOC. I tried asking their support site ...

PDF Expert

PDF Expert User Guide. Page 25. 25. Navigate using. Outlines. If the PDF has a dynamic table of contents, you can use it in PDF Expert for navigation. ○ Tap.

A Quick Look Into PDF Expert Tools

A Quick Look. into PDF Expert Tools. Outline, Bookmarks Add, Delete, Manage pages Open a Document Two Page View Share. Highlight Signature Underline Stamp


LaunchPDFExpert5;Clickonbutton;ChooseOutlines;TapEdit;ClickonTrashicontodeletetheoutline.Tocreatemulti-leveloutlines, ...,–Distance/Area/Perimetercanbeusedtodrawalinebetweentwopointsonthedrawing,highlightanarea,oroutlineaperimeter,andPDFExpertwill ...,Openthesidebar.·SelecttheOutlinestabandclickthe+button.·That'sit!Theoutlinewilllinktothecurrentlyopenedpage.,OpenaPDFfile.·Tapatthebottom.·Selec...