2018年7月17日—Itlogsintothegameandcangetyoubanned.Theyclaimtheytrytomakeitread-only,buteventhenIwouldntriskitifyoulikeyour ...,Answers·1)sortbyrecent·2)openthefirtofthesepokemonyoucaught(theolder)·3)menu->appraise->onetap·4)withtheoherhanddo5taps(5fingers ...,pokemongopgnexuscover·PokemonGO攻略:透過Pgnexus來查所有神奇寶貝IV值方法·Apple新聞/2017-02-24/作者:瘋先生/Pokemongoiv值、PokemonGO...

Can you use on Trainer Club

2018年7月17日 — It logs into the game and can get you banned. They claim they try to make it read-only, but even then I wouldnt risk it if you like your ...


Answers · 1) sort by recent · 2) open the firt of these pokemon you caught (the older) · 3) menu->appraise->one tap · 4) with the oher hand do 5 taps (5 fingers ...

Pokemon GO攻略

pokemongo pgnexus cover · Pokemon GO攻略:透過Pgnexus來查所有神奇寶貝IV值方法 · Apple新聞 / 2017-02-24 / 作者: 瘋先生 / Pokemon go iv值、Pokemon GO攻略、查IV值 ...

Pokemon GO攻略:透過Pgnexus來查所有神奇寶貝IV值方法

數據分析 · 查IV值,右上角「95.56%」就表示該精靈的IV值,建議數值90%以上才保留,沒達到的都直接傳送為糖果。 · ATK、DEF、STA分別是攻擊力、防禦力、耐力,數值最高為15 ...


2022年11月15日 — Hello world! November 15, 2022 by pgnexus. Welcome to WordPress. This ...


Hey everyone, the site is now working with google accounts. There is still an issue with PTC accounts we are still trying to resolve.

2016年11月1日 — I use frequently to check the IV of pokemon to see which one is worth evolving since it's much easier to use than tose IV calc ...

Pokemon Go Nexus

r/pgnexus: A subreddit for