
9 Examples of Inspiring Loading Page Designs

1 年前 — 1. Duolingo. Duolingo is probably the best-known example of a fun, fact-filled loading screen. Their highly recognizable owl mascot, Duo, pops ...

Collection of Free Page-Loading Effects (Tiny User

9 年前 — Page Loading Effects · Lazy stretching · Windscreen wiper · Tunnel vision · Basic effects such as tilt, wave, and curtain. Page Preloading ...

Creative Loading Effects

10 年前 — Today we'd like to show you some ideas for creative loading effects. Nowadays, many different page loading animations ar.

CSS Loaders

The biggest collection of CSS-only loaders. More than 600 loading animations made by Temani Afif using a single element.

CSS Loading Animations

2 年前 — Loading animations are notifications that reassure users that the system is still handling their request. When a user clicks on a link or button ...

Loading 效果. Loading Effects | by Ally Zeng

3 年前 — Loading Effects. 圖片來源:https://codepen.io/nxworld/pen/zwGpXr. 關於Loading… 這件事. 你是否看膩了千篇一律的⌛ Loading?

Page loader animation

As part of our series on After Effects and Lottie in Webflow, we created a page load animation in After Effects using the Bodymovin plug-in.

Page Loading Effects

Page Loading Effects: Modern ways of revealing new content.

Top 30 Most Captivating Preloaders for Your Website

Complex loader animations haven't been popular for a while because they used to take up a lot of resources to work, slowing down the page's loading process even ...


1年前—1.Duolingo.Duolingoisprobablythebest-knownexampleofafun,fact-filledloadingscreen.Theirhighlyrecognizableowlmascot,Duo,pops ...,9年前—PageLoadingEffects·Lazystretching·Windscreenwiper·Tunnelvision·Basiceffectssuchastilt,wave,andcurtain.PagePreloading ...,10年前—Todaywe'dliketoshowyousomeideasforcreativeloadingeffects.Nowadays,manydifferentpageloadinganimationsar.,ThebiggestcollectionofCSS...