
Supported Languages | PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights provide results localized in the following languages: Try this method Call this method on live data and see the result.

About PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights (PSI) reports on the user experience of a page on both mobile and desktop devices, and provides suggestions on how that page may be improved. Get Started · Supported Languages · Pagespeedapi.runpagespeed

Why can't I change the language of google pagespeed insights?

You should be able to change the language with &hl=en, so for example: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=google.com&hl=en

pagespeed insights language problem

First i have to say im from turkey. i changed all language settings english but still pagespeed insights page show turkish. because google showing language ...

Understanding Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights (PSI) is a free tool that analyses your website performance in terms of loading time, responsiveness and user experience on mobile ...

PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights Docs Enter a valid URL Analyze Make your web pages fast on all devices Check out What's new Documentation Learn about Web Performance Optimize Cumulative Layout Shift · Optimize Largest Contentful... · Web.dev article


讓網頁在所有裝置上都能快速載入. 立即查看. 最新消息 · 說明文件 · 瞭解網路效能. 前往PageSpeed Insights 查看更多資訊最新消息說明文件瞭解網路效能在Stack ...

PageSpeed Insights - in English

Try to change your browser's preferred language settings. In Chrome, you can go to chrome://settings/languages then open the Language accordion, then update it.

Deciding the language of Page Speed Insights

PageSpeed Insights uses the Accept-Language: HTTP header to determine the language that is displayed.

PageSpeed Insights 簡介| Articles

多年來,PageSpeed Insights (PSI) 已發展成為一站式來源,涵蓋欄位和研究室資料。這項工具整合Chrome 使用者體驗報告 (CrUX) 和Lighthouse 診斷資訊,可提供深入分析,協助您 ...


