

Permadelete 是一款開放原始碼的檔案碎紙機,刪除的檔案或資料夾永遠無法復原。這款免費軟體簡單易用、介面親和,只要將要刪除的檔案或資料夾拖放到程式視窗有個大回收筒 ...

Permadelete - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

評分 4.3 (14) · 免費 · Windows Permadelete · 螢幕擷取畫面. Permadelete has a simple yet beautiful user interface · 說明 · 評分與評論 · 功能 · 此版本的新功能. What's new: - Fixed a bug ...

推荐开源项目:Permadelete - 安全可靠的文件粉碎器

Permadelete 应用了数据安全擦除的技术,确保文件在删除后不会留下任何可恢复的痕迹。其工作原理参考了多种方法,包括从硬盘上多次覆盖数据,以此来消除可能 ...

Permadelete by Developers Tree

Permadelete : a file shredding app. When a file is deleted, only a reference to the location of the file is deleted.

Permadelete v0.6.2

Permadelete 是一款開放原始碼的檔案碎紙機,刪除的檔案或資料夾永遠無法復原。這款免費軟體簡單易用、介面親和,只要將要刪除的檔案或資料夾拖放到程式 ...

Releases · DevelopersTreepermadelete

Permadelete is an easy-to-use and beautiful app for windows that can delete files and folders permanently. In this latest version a lot of things are changed ...


Permadelete is an easy to use and beautiful app for shredding files and folders permanently. Download the latest release and give it a try.



Download Permadelete

Permadelete is an Open Source file shredder geared towards those not familiar with shredding files. Permadelete makes file shredding very simple.


Permadelete是一款開放原始碼的檔案碎紙機,刪除的檔案或資料夾永遠無法復原。這款免費軟體簡單易用、介面親和,只要將要刪除的檔案或資料夾拖放到程式視窗有個大回收筒 ...,評分4.3(14)·免費·WindowsPermadelete·螢幕擷取畫面.Permadeletehasasimpleyetbeautifuluserinterface·說明·評分與評論·功能·此版本的新功能.What'snew:-Fixedabug ...,Permadelete应用了数据安全擦除的技术,确保文件在删除后不会留下任何可恢复的痕迹...