How to Print a Photo With a File Name



How to "print"photos with filenames as captions to PDF?

2018年1月11日 — I would like to print 12 (or so) photos to a 8.5 * 11 page with the filename as the caption. (could live the whole path as caption if need be.).

Printing photo with filename.

2017年1月6日 — In the Print dialog box, try turning on the Labels option. As the tool tip says, it will print the filename alongside the image. Photoshop print ...

Printing thumbnails with file name

2005年9月9日 — 1 - Put the files you want to print in an album and arrange in the order you'd like. · 2 - Go to the File->Export->Web Page menu option.

how does one print the filename on a photo

2012年4月11日 — I have photoshop elements. As one can print the filename on the image in a slideshow it seemed a no-brainer to do so on a print. Thanks again,.

Print filename or path with document?

2023年8月20日 — Launch Finder. Select and right-click the file. Press and hold the Option key from the keyboard. Select Copy [file name] as Pathname.

Print jpg's with file names

2012年1月13日 — A quick way to do this is to use Microsoft Picture Manager. You can select the images you want then from the File menu select Print. Choose the ...


2018年10月17日 — Both original filenames and edited titles are displayed here in Photos. Read on to learn how to control this. Alternatively, you can have a ...

MAC utility for contact sheet printing (thumbnails and file ...

2002年11月19日 — I have an iBook and use iPhoto and Photoshop 7.0 to manage my digital photos. I can create albums in iPhoto, but when I print the contact ...


2018年1月11日—Iwouldliketoprint12(orso)photostoa8.5*11pagewiththefilenameasthecaption.(couldlivethewholepathascaptionifneedbe.).,2017年1月6日—InthePrintdialogbox,tryturningontheLabelsoption.Asthetooltipsays,itwillprintthefilenamealongsidetheimage.Photoshopprint ...,2005年9月9日—1-Putthefilesyouwanttoprintinanalbumandarrangeintheorderyou'dlike.·2-GototheFile->Export->WebPagemenuoption.,20...

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