
Some tips for optimalisation in Patch 13.5

1. Install the Process Lasso. Run EFT open Process Lasso find the process EscapeFromTarkow.exe click RMB and set CPU Priority high, I/O Priority ...

Performance - My contribution to community

5. Install Project Lasso. Open game, alt tab, go into lasso, find Tarkov.exe running in processes. It should be white icont not the launcher ...

Turn off (only use physical cores) and process lasso to get more ...

Turn off (only use physical cores) and process lasso to get more stable frames ... 5700x3d new patch.

Process lasso just 'fixed' my fps in 0.14 : rEscapefromTarkov

Process lasso has me back up to 85-100 which is barely less than last wipe and if i'm not mistaken the reason i have a little bit less is because of snow so it ...

Project Lasso actually worked for me and got me +

Now I tried Project Lasso with some simple adjustments and actually got around 30% more fps.I just tried a few offline raids and some Scav runs ...

Tarkov Process Lasso

Maximize your Tarkov gameplay with Process Lasso for improved performance and reduced input lag. Discover the ultimate gaming tips!

Tips to Improve EFT FPS using Project Lasso PT. 1

Disable hyperthreading using Project Lasso to improve your FPS in Escape from Tarkov! PROCESS LASSO DOWNLOAD - https://www.bitsum.com/

Boost Your 9800X3D Performance With Process Lasso

In this video, I show how Process Lasso can improve FPS and 1% lows. Process Lasso is often used in Escape from Tarkov on CPUs with a dual ...

Best Settings For Process Lasso (Guide and Explanation)

The App That SAVES Your FPS In Tarkov... | Best Settings For Process Lasso (Guide and Explanation) · Comments131.

The BEST Settings for FPS and CPU Optimization in Escape From ...

Updated Process Lasso Guide! https ... The BEST Settings for FPS and CPU Optimization in Escape From Tarkov 0.13 | Guide and Discussion.


1.InstalltheProcessLasso.RunEFTopenProcessLassofindtheprocessEscapeFromTarkow.execlickRMBandsetCPUPriorityhigh,I/OPriority ...,5.InstallProjectLasso.Opengame,alttab,gointolasso,findTarkov.exerunninginprocesses.Itshouldbewhiteicontnotthelauncher ...,Turnoff(onlyusephysicalcores)andprocesslassotogetmorestableframes...5700x3dnewpatch.,Processlassohasmebackupto85-100whichisbarelylessthanlastwipean...