Puss in Boots (2011) NEW Official Long Trailer

SynopsisLongbeforemeetingShrek,PussinBoots(AntonioBanderas)--justnamedaheroforsavingawomanfromachargingbull--isrunoutoftownon ...,PussinBootsisa2011AmericananimatedadventurecomedyfilmproducedbyDreamWorksAnimationanddistributedbyParamountPictures....。參考影片的文章的如下:


Puss in Boots

Synopsis Long before meeting Shrek, Puss in Boots (Antonio Banderas) -- just named a hero for saving a woman from a charging bull -- is run out of town on ...

Puss in Boots (2011 film)

Puss in Boots is a 2011 American animated adventure comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Paramount Pictures. It is a spin-off of ...

Puss in Boots (2011 film)Credits

Full credits for Puss in Boots (2011). Puss in Boots Antonio Banderas Salma Hayek Zach Galifianakis Billy Bob Thornton Amy Sedaris Directed by Chris ...

Puss in Boots (2011 movie)

Puss In Boots is a 2011 animated movie. It is a spin-off of the Shrek franchise. It follows the character Puss in Boots, who first appeared in Shrek 2.

Puss in Boots (2011)

In this early adventure for the sword fighting cat, Puss in Boots teams with mastermind. Play trailer2:19.

Puss in Boots (2011)

Puss tells Kitty of his feelings of betrayal for a youthful misadventure when Humpty tricked Puss into helping commit a crime. Puss & Humpty were brothers in an ...

Watch Puss in Boots

... Press) animated epic! Here's the true story of The Cat, The Myth, The Legend - Puss In Boots! 4,247IMDb 6.61 h 30 min2011. PG. Kids·Animation·Charming·Cheerful.


SynopsisLongbeforemeetingShrek,PussinBoots(AntonioBanderas)--justnamedaheroforsavingawomanfromachargingbull--isrunoutoftownon ...,PussinBootsisa2011AmericananimatedadventurecomedyfilmproducedbyDreamWorksAnimationanddistributedbyParamountPictures.Itisaspin-offof ...,FullcreditsforPussinBoots(2011).PussinBootsAntonioBanderasSalmaHayekZachGalifianakisBillyBobThorntonAmySedarisDirectedbyChris ...,...
