How to Replace a Bad and Failing Hard Drive on a Synology NAS + ...

ThetwodisksfromtheoriginalRAID1showERROR...oneormoreunrecoverableread/writeerrorshavebeendetected.SMARTsayseverythingisgood.,Ifformatting(nomatterifusingWindowsorLinux)fixestheI/Oerror,itwouldbeby'retiring'defectsectors.AllHDDhavesome'spare' ...,...。參考影片的文章的如下:


[resolved] clear Disk Access History IO ERROR

The two disks from the original RAID1 show ERROR or more unrecoverable read/write errors have been detected. SMART says everything is good.

WDC TL-D400S (Drive IO Error)

If formatting (no matter if using Windows or Linux) fixes the I/O error, it would be by 'retiring' defect sectors. All HDD have some 'spare' ...

Clearing Disk Access History IO error ??

I tried doing a bad block scan and try to delete the I/O error history, but now the NAS detects bad blocks, when no bad blocks were found while ...

Read IO error, sense_key=0x0, asc=0x0, ascq=0x0, CDB=28 00 57 ...

1 – Your External HDD may got bad sectors. Please be sure your external HDD doesnt give error on your Windows Pc. Also please install Seagate Seatools software.

[QNAP]Read IO error & run bad block scan,即係隻Disk已經GG?

我剛migrate 去新NAS 時,都出現這問題(WD RED 3TB), 之後用WD 個software 做1次full write zero (約20hrs) , 結果沒有發現任何問題。

QNAP 831X 硬碟read io error問題---已解決


Clearing Disk Access History IO error ?? : rqnap

I tried doing a bad block scan and try to delete the I/O error history, but now the NAS detects bad blocks, when no bad blocks were found while ...


It sounds like a sector on the drive is iffy, and has hit the point where the signal processing on the drive can't read the data, and this has ...


ThetwodisksfromtheoriginalRAID1showERROR...oneormoreunrecoverableread/writeerrorshavebeendetected.SMARTsayseverythingisgood.,Ifformatting(nomatterifusingWindowsorLinux)fixestheI/Oerror,itwouldbeby'retiring'defectsectors.AllHDDhavesome'spare' ...,ItrieddoingabadblockscanandtrytodeletetheI/Oerrorhistory,butnowtheNASdetectsbadblocks,whennobadblockswerefoundwhile ...,1–YourExternalHDDmaygotbadsect...

My HDD Speed 1.02 - 即時監測硬碟的存取速度

My HDD Speed 1.02 - 即時監測硬碟的存取速度
