

「QRToon」加入卡通頭像,讓你的QR Code 變得超吸睛!

你只需要準備好一個QR Code 或是輸入要製成QR Code 的網址,再加上一張有清楚頭像的照片,3 步驟就能完成。

QRtoon 在QR Code 內放入卡通化頭像

如何使用QRtoon 產生帶有卡通化頭像的QR Code? · 1.使用瀏覽器進入qrtoon 網站,按[ TRY WEB APP ]。 · 2.透過步驟指引,第一步先輸入網址。 · 3.第二步驟,選擇上傳圖片。


Using QRToon is easy and it does not require registration. Simply head to the site, enter the URL that you want to turn into a QR code, and then ...

QRtoon 在QR Code 內放入卡通化頭像

... QRtoon 在QR Code 內放入卡通化頭像. 不論是名片、發票、海報或是網站上 ... QRtoon 這個免費網站試試,其操作步驟相當簡單,只要輸入網址、上傳 ...

Convert your boring QR codes to beautiful works of art

Turn your boring QR codes into catchy artworks. No worries, they will still work the same way as your original codes. TRY WEB APP (beta)

Convert your boring QR codes to beautiful works of art

Step 1/3. Scan QR code or paste your link: SCAN QR code. Upload QR code. next.

Turn Your QR Codes In Cool Artwork With QRToon!

Turn Your QR Codes In Cool Artwork With QRToon! · You can Scan QR Code, Upload QR Code or Enter a link. · I added a link to my blog and then ...

Best of 2022 So Far - QRToon

QRToon will generate the QR code with your cartoonized portrait in it. You can download your QR code as PNG file to print and use wherever you ...

QRToon - Toonified QR Maker

評分 5.0 (3) · 免費 Turn your boring QR codes into catchy artworks. No worries, they will still work the same way as your original codes. Just provide a QR code and a selfie ...

Best QRToon - Toonified QR Maker Alternatives - 2025

Generate fully customized QR Codes, with color & shape, logo and keep track of how many people scan your QR Codes, from where and on what date. Also for those ...


你只需要準備好一個QRCode或是輸入要製成QRCode的網址,再加上一張有清楚頭像的照片,3步驟就能完成。,如何使用QRtoon產生帶有卡通化頭像的QRCode?·1.使用瀏覽器進入qrtoon網站,按[TRYWEBAPP]。·2.透過步驟指引,第一步先輸入網址。·3.第二步驟,選擇上傳圖片。,UsingQRTooniseasyanditdoesnotrequireregistration.Simplyheadtothesite,entertheURLthatyouwanttoturnintoaQRcode,andthen ...,...QRtoon在QRCode內放入卡通化...