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Asus ROG Chimera G703 (i7

評分 88% · Florian Glaser · The ROG Chimera G703 from Asus aims to claim the gaming crown. We tested a model with Core i7-7820HK, GeForce GTX 1080, and 144 Hz display.

ASUS ROG Chimera (G703) - Specs, Tests, and Prices

ASUS ROG Chimera (G703) - Specs · Display · 17.3”, Full HD (1920 x 1080), IPS 17.3”, 4K UHD (3840 x 2160), IPS 17.3”, Full HD (1920 x 1080), 144 Hz, TN 17.3”, ...

ASUS ROG 在台推出ROG Chimera、Strix SCAR 及Strix Hero 筆電

首先,ROG Chimera (G703) 是採用Intel Core i7 7820HK 搭配GTX1080 顯卡組合的17.3 吋機種,當然聽到這樣的規格就能猜到它的重量和體積必然算不上 ...

進擊猛獸ROG Chimera(G703)

如果你想在LAN Party上秀出一台氣勢凌人的猛烈戰機震懾全場,集結了精湛效能、外型設計大走前衛裝甲風的「ROG Chimera」,絕對能滿足你的渴望,這款從裡到外專為硬派玩家量身 ...

ROG G703 | Laptops | ROG Baltics

ROG G703. - Tech Specs. The lowest price from 30 days before the promotion ... CHIMERA-G703GI-E5016T. ASUS estore price starting at. Save. The lowest price ...

華碩ROG 幻獸 Chimera G703 在台推出,搭載i7

華碩於IFA 所發表的高規電競筆電Chimera G703 正式在台推出,搭載17.3 吋原生144Hz G-Sync Full HD 顯示器,具備7ms GTG 反應時間,處理器採用不鎖頻 ...

【評測】全港首部Core i9 第8代ASUS ROG G703電競筆電

ASUS 今次這部ROG Chimera G703 升級版,最主要分別就是由上代的Intel Core i7-7820HK 升級至Core i9-8950HK,至於其他硬件配置上都沒有大改變,例如沿舊配搭 ...

A peek inside the insanely powerful ROG G703 gaming laptop

The ROG G703VI-XH78K variant selling in North America comes with a 512GB NVMe RAID array, a 1TB HDD, and 32GB of RAM for $3499 USD and $4499 CAD ...

【評測】全港首部Core i9 第8代ASUS ROG G703電競筆電

ASUS 今次這部ROG Chimera G703 升級版,最主要分別就是由上代的Intel Core i7-7820HK 升級至Core i9-8950HK,至於其他硬件配置上都沒有大改變,例如沿舊配搭 ...


評分88%·FlorianGlaser·TheROGChimeraG703fromAsusaimstoclaimthegamingcrown.WetestedamodelwithCorei7-7820HK,GeForceGTX1080,and144Hzdisplay.,ASUSROGChimera(G703)-Specs·Display·17.3”,FullHD(1920x1080),IPS17.3”,4KUHD(3840x2160),IPS17.3”,FullHD(1920x1080),144Hz,TN17.3”, ...,首先,ROGChimera(G703)是採用IntelCorei77820HK搭配GTX1080顯卡組合的17.3吋機種,當然聽到這樣的規格就能猜到它的重量和體積必然算不上...