
Reader Mode

Puts Google Chrome into read mode for a pleasant reading experience. This extension is a forked version of https://chrome.google.com ...

Read Mode

Puts Google Chrome into read mode for a pleasant reading experience. Just click on the glasses icon in the address bar, the current page will turn into a nice- ...

Reader Mode

Reader Mode is a feature-packed Chrome reading extension and web app that removes clutter, ads and distractions, while also includes advanced features such ...

Use Reading mode in the Side panel

On your computer, open Chrome. · Go to a website with text that you'd like to read. · At the top right, select More More and then More tools and then Reading mode ...

Google Chrome's best-kept secret - Reading Mode

There's a new feature in Google Chrome browser called Reading mode that allows you to personalise the look and feel of content to support learners with reading ...

TOP-8 Reader Views for Chrome

Reader View extension removes clutter from web pages to enhance their readability. The extension uses Mozilla's Readability library as the engine.

Best 'reader mode' extension for Chrome

Distill. It's open source, based on the official Chromium DOM Distiller which is used in the Android Chrome reading mode. I'm not related to ...

How to use Reading mode in Chrome browser

Reading mode in Chrome Browser presents web pages in a simplified format, removing non-essential content. With Reading mode, users can enjoy ...

How to enable and use Google Chrome's Reading Mode

How to enable and use Google Chrome's Reading Mode · 1. Open Chrome · 2. Open the flags page · 3. Search for Reading Mode · 4. Enable Reading Mode.


PutsGoogleChromeintoreadmodeforapleasantreadingexperience.Thisextensionisaforkedversionofhttps://chrome.google.com ...,PutsGoogleChromeintoreadmodeforapleasantreadingexperience.Justclickontheglassesiconintheaddressbar,thecurrentpagewillturnintoanice- ...,ReaderModeisafeature-packedChromereadingextensionandwebappthatremovesclutter,adsanddistractions,whilealsoincludesadvancedfeaturessuch ...,Ony...