
csv -rename files in a folder - AppleScript

I'm trying to adapt this script to rename some pdfs in a folder on my desktop using a csv file. Example the csv contains: oldFileName newFileName

How to batch rename files in macOS

2023年12月31日 — Within a Finder window, select the files you want to rename. You can drag the cursor to select multiple with a box, or shift-click or Command- ...

How to Batch Rename Files on Mac

2023年12月23日 — Right-click the selected files and choose Rename x Items , or go to the File menu and select Rename Items .

Mac Automater

2023年10月19日 — This Automator application will process the CSV and rename correctly. Verify that your CSV has no duplicate colors in it though or you will ...

Rename from Spreadsheet

The format of the CSV file should be as shown in the following sample: first_current_name,first_new_name second_current_name,second_new_name ...


What Renamer can do for you · Number files sequentially · Number files randomly · Find and replace text · Convert filenames to upper and lower case · Organize ...

Renaming files using Automator and CSV fi…

2022年11月7日 — I wondered if anyone could help me with Renaming files using Automator and CSV file. I have tried the attached but it is not working. Thank you!


Description vRenamer is a full featured mass renamer application. Since it's written in Java, works in all platforms, tested in Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.


I'mtryingtoadaptthisscripttorenamesomepdfsinafolderonmydesktopusingacsvfile.Examplethecsvcontains:oldFileNamenewFileName,2023年12月31日—WithinaFinderwindow,selectthefilesyouwanttorename.Youcandragthecursortoselectmultiplewithabox,orshift-clickorCommand- ...,2023年12月23日—Right-clicktheselectedfilesandchooseRenamexItems,orgototheFilemenuandselectRenameItems.,2023年10月19日—ThisAutomatorapplica...

ReNamer 7.6 功能超強的免費批次更名工具

ReNamer 7.6 功能超強的免費批次更名工具
