Replica Studios



Replica Studios - AI Voice Actors

評分 3.5 (43) A library of AI voice actors for your games and films. Whether you're building a VR experience, fantasy RPG, or creating training and simulation content.

Replica Studios

Replica is growing a marketplace where creative talent and voice actors can scale and license their voices for use in games, streaming, ...

Replica Studios

Replica offers state-of-the-art text to speech and speech to speech solutions in multiple languages, tailored for creative professionals. Our fully licensed AI ... Get started – today · Pricing · Text to Speech · Downloads

Text To Speech Ethical AI

Generate human quality AI voice overs in multiple languages in seconds with Replica's cutting edge Text to speech. Get started today.

Replica Studio

評分 4.9 (195) Fully mobile, height adjustable, and instant Surface setup. The Studio chases the light and rolls away when you're done - no more floor photoshoots or ... Replica Lookbooks · The Surface Collection · Shop studio


Replica Studios (Replica), an artificial intelligence (AI) voice technology company, and The Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of ...

Replica Studio - AI Voice Actors Plug-in - Installation Guide

Explore AI Voice Actors Plug-in for iClone: Replica Studios and Reallusion collaborated ...

Replica Studios

Made With Replica Studios · Custom player names in Cyberpunk 2077 using AI voices · MetaHumans voiced by Replica · Nalias x Replica Hades Style. Replica Studios.

Replica Studios (@ReplicaStudios) X

We're creating the world's most ethical and usable AI voice platform for games and film. Software Application Brisbane, Australia


評分3.5(43)AlibraryofAIvoiceactorsforyourgamesandfilms.Whetheryou'rebuildingaVRexperience,fantasyRPG,orcreatingtrainingandsimulationcontent.,Replicaisgrowingamarketplacewherecreativetalentandvoiceactorscanscaleandlicensetheirvoicesforuseingames,streaming, ...,Replicaoffersstate-of-the-arttexttospeechandspeechtospeechsolutionsinmultiplelanguages,tailoredforcreativeprofessionals.Ourfullylicensed...