10 BEST Chrome Extensions for Productivity You NEED to Have in ...

軟體名稱:Rofocus·軟體版本:2019.2.3·軟體語言:English·軟體性質:免費軟體·檔案大小:3.11MiB·系統支援:此為GoogleChrome瀏覽器專用擴充套件(下載 ...,Rofocusrecreatesambientbackgroundsoundsdesignedtohelpyouimprovefocusandcreativity.Inaddition,thetoo...。參考影片的文章的如下:


「Rofocus」環境音+ 番茄工作鐘,幫你同時提高專注力與生產力!

軟體名稱:Rofocus · 軟體版本:2019.2.3 · 軟體語言:English · 軟體性質:免費軟體 · 檔案大小:3.11MiB · 系統支援:此為Google Chrome 瀏覽器專用擴充套件(下載 ...

Rofocus: Increase your Focus and Productivity

Rofocus recreates ambient background sounds designed to help you improve focus and creativity. In addition, the tool comes with a beautifully designed Pomodoro- ...

Rofocus: Increase your Focus and Productivity

Rofocus recreates ambient background sounds designed to help you improve focus and creativity. In addition, the tool comes with a ...


評分 9/10 (1) · 免費 · 網頁瀏覽器 Rofocus is a Chrome add-on developed by Resume Worded that aims to help users increase their focus and productivity. It offers ambient background sounds and ...

Rofocus for Chrome

Increase your focus and block distractions with carefully crafted ambient sounds and focus timers. Proven to boost your productivity, right from Chrome.

Web link - Rofocus: Increase your Focus and Productivity

Rofocus: Increase your Focus and Productivity. Rofocus recreates ambient background sounds designed to help you improve focus and creativity.

Rofocus: Increase your Focus and Productivity

Rofocus 重现环境背景声音,旨在帮助您提高注意力和创造力。此外,该工具还带有一个设计精美的类似番茄钟的对焦计时器,可帮助您保持正轨并提高工作效率。

Rofocus 結合環境音與專注時間模式的免費Chrome 擴充外掛

這篇就要推薦大家一款非常好用的Rofocus 免費擴充外掛,它結合了這兩項功能,「完全自訂的專注倒數時間」以及「高達15 個環境音選擇」,對於電腦工作者來說很 ...

Rofocus Chrome Extension

評分 5.0 (2) Rofocus recreates ambient background sounds designed to help you improve focus and creativity. The tool comes with a beautifully designed Pomodoro focus timer ...


軟體名稱:Rofocus·軟體版本:2019.2.3·軟體語言:English·軟體性質:免費軟體·檔案大小:3.11MiB·系統支援:此為GoogleChrome瀏覽器專用擴充套件(下載 ...,Rofocusrecreatesambientbackgroundsoundsdesignedtohelpyouimprovefocusandcreativity.Inaddition,thetoolcomeswithabeautifullydesignedPomodoro- ...,Rofocusrecreatesambientbackgroundsoundsdesignedtohelpyouimprovefocusandcreativity.Inaddition,thetoolcomesw...