Samsung phones are Blowing Up

On9January2017,SamsungreleasedanotherupdateinSouthKoreawhichblockedthedevicefrombeingchargedbeyond15%.On24March2017,Samsungreleased ...Note8·Brick(electronics)·Dangerousgoods,[18]NBC(2017).SamsungFinallyExplainstheGalaxyNote7ExplodingBatteryMess....。參考影片的文章的如下:


Samsung Galaxy Note 7

On 9 January 2017, Samsung released another update in South Korea which blocked the device from being charged beyond 15%. On 24 March 2017, Samsung released ... Note 8 · Brick (electronics) · Dangerous goods

[PDF] A Critical Case Report of Samsung Note 7 Recall

[18] NBC (2017). Samsung Finally Explains the Galaxy Note 7 Exploding Battery Mess. Available at: ...

[Infographic] Galaxy Note7

The batteries were the cause of the Galaxy Note7 incidents. The causative factors are further explained in the infographic below.

Samsung confirms battery faults as cause of Note 7 fires

Samsung's probe into its Galaxy Note 7 fiasco has found that the overheating and burning of the phones was caused by faults with their batteries.

Samsung Issues Galaxy Note 7 Battery Report

Samsung says bad battery design and a rush to release an updated version of the Galaxy Note 7 caused some of the devices to overheat and explode . The company released a report Sunday night in which it said that two separate battery malfunctions caus

Samsung Explains Note 7 Battery Explosions, And Turns Crisis Into ...

Samsung had to initiate a recall in September of the first version of the Note 7 due to faulty batteries that overheated and exploded.

Galaxy Note 7 Fires Caused by Battery and Design Flaws, Samsung ...

Samsung, the South Korean conglomerate, blamed battery manufacturing problems and design flaws for the embarrassing and costly failure of its Galaxy Note 7 ...

(PDF) Samsung Electronics Company, Ltd.

9 Samsung had not fixed the lithium-ion battery defect in the first recall and,. instead, exchanged defective phones for defective phones. As of October 11, ...

Samsung blames two separate battery faults for Galaxy Note 7 fires

Samsung has blamed lithium-ion batteries for causing its Galaxy Note 7 mobile phones to overheat and catch fire, a fault that led to the global recall.

Samsung Finally Reveals Why the Note 7 Kept Exploding

Batteries from both of the Note 7's suppliers were susceptible to similar problems. In October, Samsung expanded its recall and stopped Note 7 ...


On9January2017,SamsungreleasedanotherupdateinSouthKoreawhichblockedthedevicefrombeingchargedbeyond15%.On24March2017,Samsungreleased ...Note8·Brick(electronics)·Dangerousgoods,[18]NBC(2017).SamsungFinallyExplainstheGalaxyNote7ExplodingBatteryMess.Availableat: ...,ThebatterieswerethecauseoftheGalaxyNote7incidents.Thecausativefactorsarefurtherexplaine...
