
2024年6月26日—ShapeFactory...UtilityclassusedtodynamicallyconstructModelRenderablesforvariousshapes.PublicConstructors ...,ClassShapeFactoryprovidesmethodstoinstantiateGameObjectsintheEditorusingProBuildershapes.,Findbeautifulfreeduotoneimagestou...。參考影片的文章的如下:



2024年6月26日 — ShapeFactory ... Utility class used to dynamically construct ModelRenderable s for various shapes. Public Constructors ...

Class ShapeFactory | ProBuilder

Class ShapeFactory provides methods to instantiate GameObjects in the Editor using ProBuilder shapes.

Duotone by ShapeFactory

Find beautiful free duotone images to use in any project, or make custom duotone images by uploading your own image and applying a duotone effect in ...

Gradient by ShapeFactory

This uniquely powerful tool uses the LAB color space to generate colorful, bright gradients. Find a beautiful gradient for your next project.

Logo Gallery

Create a free custom logo in seconds with ShapeFactory's online logo generator and logo builder. Simple, easy to use and no design skills required to make ...

Logo by ShapeFactory | Clean, Simple, Hassle

Create a free custom logo in seconds with ShapeFactory's online logo generator and logo builder. Simple, easy to use and no design skills required to make ...

Pigment by ShapeFactory

A unique way to generate fresh and vibrant colors based on lighting and pigment, instead of math. Find a beautiful, free color palette in seconds to kick ...


ShapeFactory is a set of design tools built by designers, for everyone. An invaluable part of anyones toolkit.

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2024年6月26日—ShapeFactory...UtilityclassusedtodynamicallyconstructModelRenderablesforvariousshapes.PublicConstructors ...,ClassShapeFactoryprovidesmethodstoinstantiateGameObjectsintheEditorusingProBuildershapes.,Findbeautifulfreeduotoneimagestouseinanyproject,ormakecustomduotoneimagesbyuploadingyourownimageandapplyingaduotoneeffectin ...,ThisuniquelypowerfultoolusestheLABcolorspacetogeneratec...