


Source Han Serif

Source Han Serif is a serif Song/Ming typeface created by Adobe and Google. Source Han Serif. Source Han Serif · Category · Serif.

Source Han Serif - Pan-CJK Traditional Chinese

Source Han Serif is a modern Mincho-style typeface family, which is a counterpart to Source Han Sans. The family has seven weights.

Source Han Serif - Pan

Source Han Serif is a modern Mincho-style typeface family, which is a counterpart to Source Han Sans. The family has seven weights.

Source Han Serif CN Medium

評分 4.3 (3) · 免費 Source Han Serif CN Medium is a Medium OpenType Font. It has been downloaded 923 times. 3 users have given the font a rating of 4.33 out of 5. You can find more ...

adobe-fontssource-han-serif - 思源宋體香港

Source Han Serif is a set of OpenType Pan-CJK fonts. In addition to functional OpenType fonts, this open source project provides all of the source files ...

思源宋體- adobe-fontssource-han-serif

「思源宋體」是一套OpenType/CFF 泛中日韓字型。這個開放原始碼專案不僅提供了可用的OpenType 字型,還提供了利用AFDKO 工具建置這些OpenType 字型時的所有原始碼檔案。

Source Han Serif 思源宋體

思源宋體支援四種不同的東亞語言(簡體中文、繁體中文、日文及韓文) 而且7 種字重中的每一種都有65,535 個字圖,其設計目的是為了搭配一致的視覺美感。此外也隨附一套豐富的 ...

Source Han Serif

Source Han Serif is the second Pan-CJK typeface family from Adobe Type, and the serif counterpart to Source Han Sans, both of which we released in response ...

Source Han Serif download

Source Han Serif is a set of OpenType/CFF Pan-CJK fonts. In addition to functional OpenType fonts, this open source project provides all of ...


思源宋體(英語:Source Han Serif)是Adobe與Google所領導開發的開放原始碼字型家族,使用SIL開放原始碼字型授權在GitHub 上釋出。字型風格為明體。

