
Characters of the Devil May Cry series

4.1 Trish · 4.2 Lady · 4.3 Sparda · 4.4 Eva · 4.5 Patty Lowell · 4.6 J.D. Morrison · 4.7 Matier · 4.8 Credo ...

I wanna know what the hell happened to Sparda in the next ...

2022年7月5日 — I reckon next DMC is entirely Nero and introduces more new characters and they'll keep Vergil and Dante on the shelf until the series needs some ...

Sparda (Devil Arm) - Devil May Cry Wiki

The Devil Sword Sparda and its unawakened form, Force Edge, is the beloved demon-forged sword wielded by the Dark Knight Sparda himself, and magically imbued ...

Sparda (Devil May Cry)

After returning from the Underworld to Red Grave City with his twin brother Dante and successfully severing the Qliphoth roots that had tampered with the ...

Sparda - Devil May Cry Wiki

Sparda is the posthumous overarching protagonist of the Devil May Cry franchise. He was a mighty demon swordsman who is known as the Legendary Dark Knight (伝説 ...

Sparda moveset

2023年8月16日 — Raging Demon - Lock-on forward triangle-circle attack. It uses the dash from Dance Macabre before the first punch of Real Impact. Then Sparda ...

What happened to Sparda from the original Devil May Cry?

2020年12月19日 — He's dead. Or rather, he's presumed to be dead. He once fought for Mundus' demon army before rebelling against him and giving aid to the ...


4.1Trish·4.2Lady·4.3Sparda·4.4Eva·4.5PattyLowell·4.6J.D.Morrison·4.7Matier·4.8Credo ...,2022年7月5日—IreckonnextDMCisentirelyNeroandintroducesmorenewcharactersandthey'llkeepVergilandDanteontheshelfuntiltheseriesneedssome ...,TheDevilSwordSpardaanditsunawakenedform,ForceEdge,isthebeloveddemon-forgedswordwieldedbytheDarkKnightSpardahimself,andmagicallyimbued ...,AfterreturningfromtheUnderworldto...