
Let'stakealookatSpelldrifterbyFreeRangeGames.ATurn-BasedRPGthatcombinesthepuzzle-likepositionaltacticsofaturn-basedRPG ...,供應中《Spelldrifter》具有回合制RPG戰鬥的類戰棋走位戰略,並結合集換式卡牌遊戲的高度自訂性和重玩價值。成果:一款混血遊戲!玩...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Spelldrifter | Tactics Turn-Based RPG | Gameplay First Look

Let's take a look at Spelldrifter by Free Range Games. A Turn-Based RPG that combines the puzzle-like positional tactics of a turn-based RPG ...


供應中 《Spelldrifter》具有回合制RPG 戰鬥的類戰棋走位戰略,並結合集換式卡牌遊戲的高度自訂性和重玩價值。 成果:一款混血遊戲! 玩家必須善用時間和空間,盡其所能地取得資源。 《Spelldrifter》中創新的Tick 系統,挑戰玩家需有新思維來擬訂卡牌遊戲戰略。


Spelldrifter combines the puzzle-like positional tactics of a turn-based RPG with the customizability and replayability of a collectible card game.

Spelldrifter | REVIEW

Spelldrifter combines the puzzle-like positional tactics of a turn-based RPG with the customizability and replayability of a collectible ...


Spelldrifter combines the puzzle-like positional tactics of a turn-based RPG with the customizability and replayability of a collectible card game. The result: ...

Spelldrifter | GamePlay PC

Introducing Spelldrifter, a hybrid tactical role playing game and deck building game that features the best parts of both!


結合策略角色扮演和牌組構築的《Spelldrifter》於今天發行 · 《Spelldrifter》最早是在2012 到2013 年間,以人生目標清單的形式想到的:什麼樣的遊戲我一生 ...

Spelldrifter on Steam

評分 3.0 (13) Spelldrifter combines the puzzle-like positional tactics of a turn-based RPG battle with the deep customizability and replayability of a collectible card game.

Spelldrifter 控制器支援

將您的手機變成終極遊戲主機。嵌入即可暢玩任何遊戲或支援控制器的服務,包括Xbox Game Pass Ultimate、Apple Arcade 等服務,甚或直接從您的Xbox、PlayStation 或PC 串流。


Let'stakealookatSpelldrifterbyFreeRangeGames.ATurn-BasedRPGthatcombinesthepuzzle-likepositionaltacticsofaturn-basedRPG ...,供應中《Spelldrifter》具有回合制RPG戰鬥的類戰棋走位戰略,並結合集換式卡牌遊戲的高度自訂性和重玩價值。成果:一款混血遊戲!玩家必須善用時間和空間,盡其所能地取得資源。《Spelldrifter》中創新的Tick系統,挑戰玩家需有新思維來擬訂卡牌遊戲戰略。,Spelldriftercombinesthepuzzle-likep...