[ SWAY ]Add and view PowerPoint presentations directly from ...

2015年9月28日—AsIunderstandthesituation,thisisactuallyONLYpossiblewithinSwayiftheauthorsubscribestoOffice360.Ifnot,thereisnoautoplay ...,ClickStylesbuttonintheupperrightcornerandchooseSlides.5.ClicktheStorylinelinkonthelefttobegineditingyourSway....。參考影片的文章的如下:


Automatic slideshow mode in Sway?

2015年9月28日 — As I understand the situation, this is actually ONLY possible within Sway if the author subscribes to Office 360. If not, there is no autoplay ...

Creating a basic image slideshow in Microsoft Sway

Click Styles button in the upper right corner and choose Slides. 5. Click the Storyline link on the left to begin editing your Sway. Each slide in your Sway is ...

How to Create a Microsoft Sway Presentation

2024年4月16日 — Go to Sway online or to the Sway desktop app. Select Create New. Enter a title on Title card. Select Backgrounds to add a background.

Microsoft Sway

Create and share interactive reports, presentations, personal stories, and more. Sway is an easy-to-use digital storytelling app for creating interactive ...

Sway 快速入門

Sway 是Microsoft Office 的新應用程式,可輕鬆建立和分享互動式報告、個人故事、簡報等等。 首先新增您自己的文字和圖片,搜尋並從其他來源匯入相關的內容,接著Sway 就會 ...

What is Microsoft Sway?

Sway is used to create interactive presentations it's a lightweight, cloud-only, story-telling application that is easier to use than PowerPoint and provides ...


2015年9月28日—AsIunderstandthesituation,thisisactuallyONLYpossiblewithinSwayiftheauthorsubscribestoOffice360.Ifnot,thereisnoautoplay ...,ClickStylesbuttonintheupperrightcornerandchooseSlides.5.ClicktheStorylinelinkonthelefttobegineditingyourSway.EachslideinyourSwayis ...,2024年4月16日—GotoSwayonlineortotheSwaydesktopapp.SelectCreateNew.EnteratitleonTitlecard.SelectBackgroundstoaddabackground.,...