
特色:(1)無須註冊即可使用。(2)上傳支援最大50GB檔案、最多保存30天。(3)可透過Email、下載連結等方式分享檔案。(4)自訂保存時間、下載次數及 ...,SwissTransferallowsyoutosendupto50GBofdataatonce,freeofchargeandwithoutregistration.Itispossibletokeepyourtr...

Infomaniak SwissTransfer

SwissTransferistheeasiestandmostsecuresolutionforsharinglargefiles(videos,RAWphotos,presentations,etc.)forfree,whetherfor ...

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特色: (1) 無須註冊即可使用。 (2) 上傳支援最大50 GB 檔案、最多保存30 天。 (3) 可透過Email、下載連結等方式分享檔案。 (4) 自訂保存時間、下載次數及 ...

SwissTransfer by Infomaniak - Chrome Web Store

SwissTransfer allows you to send up to 50 GB of data at once, free of charge and without registration. It is possible to keep your transfers for up to 30 days.

Compare SwissTransfer vs Smash

評分 4.9 (1,780) · 免費 · 商業/生產力 SwissTransfer offers free, no-registration file sharing, while Smash provides faster, unlimited transfers, making it the best free alternative.

Infomaniak SwissTransfer

SwissTransfer is the easiest and most secure solution for sharing large files (videos, RAW photos, presentations, etc.) for free, whether for ...

數位時代- 來自瑞士的SwissTransfer,讓你的檔案保存在 ...

來自瑞士的SwissTransfer,讓你的檔案保存在瑞士,擁 有最高標準的隱私與安全保護。它免費提供全球使用者 每人50G B容量,並且開放用戶設定下載次數與期限>>.

SwissTransfer - Secure and Free Transfer of Large Files

SwissTransfer is a secure online file transfer platform that allows you to send large files easily and efficiently.

FAQ - Help center : Swiss Transfer

Thank you for using Infomaniak to send your large files and folders to your contacts worldwide! SwissTransfer is a secure online file transfer platform that ...

免註冊、支援最大50GB 與密碼設定的免費檔案分享空間

SwissTransfer 是一個來自瑞士的免費檔案分享空間服務,主打安全性極高且完全免費,不用註冊就能使用,最大可上傳50GB 的容量(多檔案也沒問題),也能設置 ...

Send large files securely and free of charge

Send up to 50 GB - Free and without registration - Keep your transfers for up to 30 days.


特色:(1)無須註冊即可使用。(2)上傳支援最大50GB檔案、最多保存30天。(3)可透過Email、下載連結等方式分享檔案。(4)自訂保存時間、下載次數及 ...,SwissTransferallowsyoutosendupto50GBofdataatonce,freeofchargeandwithoutregistration.Itispossibletokeepyourtransfersforupto30days.,評分4.9(1,780)·免費·商業/生產力SwissTransferoffersfree,no-registrationfilesharing,whileSmashprovidesfaster,unlimitedtransfers,ma...