Google Chrome 126 Early Stable Released



Chrome freezes after my screen turns off

Recently after it does the tab I have open in chrome freezes - clicking does nothing and it won't let me scroll. Clicking into another tab fixes this.

Freezing on Energy Saver

Tab freezing on Energy Saver helps meet that expectation by preventing background tabs that aren't actively used from consuming CPU excessively.

Chrome occasionally freezes when viewing scene

Every few minutes, Chrome will suddenly freeze up and become unresponsive for about 10 seconds, after which everything returns to normal.

Chrome Tab Freezing and SetTimeoutWeb Workers

Chrome 79 was just released with the new tab freezing feature turned on by default. Does anyone know of a way to get around this when working with setTimeouts ...

Tabs freezing and cannot be opened

Only solution is to shut down Chrome and reopen. This will restore access to all tabs, but eventually the same problem will reoccur.

Expert Answers on Managing Multiple Tabs in Google Chrome

Here are several ways to close multiple tabs in Google Chrome, even with many windows open:1. Close All Tabs in a Window:Right-click on any tab in the window. ...

has chrome browser turned into a piece of crap lately? freezes and ...

Anyone else notice chrome freezing and hanging on Windows OS? I have a 12600k with 32gb ram and nvme ssd. I'm not doing anything demanding.

Chrome Freezing Up But Rest of Computer Unaffected?

I've had Chrome completely freeze up and become unresponsive. The rest of my PC is totally fine though and working as normal when this happens.

How to Enable or Disable Tab Freezing in Google Chrome

This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable the Tab Freeze feature in Google Chrome for your account in Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10.

