
Download TaskbarX for Windows

Download the latest version of TaskbarX for Windows. Move the toolbar icons . TaskbarX is a tool that lets you move and place Windows taskbar icons...

GitHub - ChrisAnd1998TaskbarX

TaskbarX gives you control over the position of your taskbar icons. TaskbarX will give you an original Windows dock like feel. The icons will move to the ...

Releases · ChrisAnd1998TaskbarX

2022年10月3日 — Center Windows taskbar icons with a variety of animations and options. - Releases · ChrisAnd1998/TaskbarX.


2020年4月13日 — TaskbarX is a free Windows customization tool that allows you to personalize your taskbar with various settings, such as icon position, size, ...


2023年7月10日 — A free customization tool for Windows. TaskbarX is a free and open-source utility tool that you can use to customize your desktop's taskbar.


Center between startbutton, search, taskview etc... and left tray icons, clock etc... All taskbar settings supported. Vertical taskbar supported.

TaskbarX for Windows

TaskbarX is a tool for Windows that will help you to organize your desktop quickly and intuitively with a range of customization options and a taskbar that you ...


TaskbarX will give you an original Windows dock like feel. The icons will move to the center or user given position when an icon gets added or removed from the ...


DownloadthelatestversionofTaskbarXforWindows.Movethetoolbaricons.TaskbarXisatoolthatletsyoumoveandplaceWindowstaskbaricons...,TaskbarXgivesyoucontroloverthepositionofyourtaskbaricons.TaskbarXwillgiveyouanoriginalWindowsdocklikefeel.Theiconswillmovetothe ...,2022年10月3日—CenterWindowstaskbariconswithavarietyofanimationsandoptions.-Releases·ChrisAnd1998/TaskbarX.,2020年4月13日—TaskbarXisafreeWi...

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