The best Roland TB 303 clone?! (no talking)

AfullyfunctionalTB-303clonewritteninJavaScriptusingtheWebAudioAPI-thedjinn/js303.,由VNopponpunth著作·1999·被引用86次—Inthepresentwork,wedescribetheisolation,cloning,andexpressioninE.coliofDHPSsfromM.tuberculosisandM.leprae.Theavailabilityoflarge ...。參考影片的文章的如下:


GitHub - thedjinnjs303: A fully functional TB

A fully functional TB-303 clone written in JavaScript using the Web Audio API - thedjinn/js303.

Cloning and Expression of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ...

由 V Nopponpunth 著作 · 1999 · 被引用 86 次 — In the present work, we describe the isolation, cloning, and expression in E. coli of DHPSs from M. tuberculosis and M. leprae. The availability of large ...

Roland TB 303 Clones Test

During the past years, many analog synthesizer appear on the market and all of them claimed to be the best tb 303 clone. Open your ears and ...

Bass Bot TT

A full analog synth clone of the famous TB303, coming with a lot of new features and improvements, from the sound point of view as well as the ergonomics of ...


2020年6月24日 — A simple TB-303 inspired monophonic synthesizer based on @shreeswifty's 'clone' patch. Features / parameters: – Monophonic voice

The 8 best TB

2020年3月3日 — “RE-303, brainchild of Paul Barker, is a replica kit of the Roland TB-303 Bassline Synthesizer. It can be purchased in kit form or from builders ...

The best Roland TB 303 clone?!

2022年7月26日 — Which is the best clone of the Roland TB 303? What do you think? My vote goes on the Cyclone Analogic TT-303. Check out my test! No EQ.

The best Roland TB 303 clone?!

2022年2月9日 — Which is the best clone of the Roland TB 303? What do you think? My vote goes on the Cyclone Analogic TT-303. Check out my test! No EQ.


AfullyfunctionalTB-303clonewritteninJavaScriptusingtheWebAudioAPI-thedjinn/js303.,由VNopponpunth著作·1999·被引用86次—Inthepresentwork,wedescribetheisolation,cloning,andexpressioninE.coliofDHPSsfromM.tuberculosisandM.leprae.Theavailabilityoflarge ...,Duringthepastyears,manyanalogsynthesizerappearonthemarketandallofthemclaimedtobethebesttb303clone.Openyourearsand ...,Afullanalogsynthcloneofthefa...