

Tengri is not considered a deity in the usual sense, but a personification of the universe. [4] However, some qualities associated with Tengri as the judge and source of life, and being eternal and supreme, led European and Muslim writers to identify Teng

Unreal Engine Developer

2024年2月18日 — We are hiring a junior Unreal Engine developer (and a senior one as well for more money obviously). – Starting junior salary: 1000+ euro net ...

Tensor Art 教學:目前最推薦的免費網頁版 AI 繪圖工具!

Tensor Art 在揭開這一過程的神秘面紗,幫助您探索 AI 影像生成背後的魔力,一起來嘗試使用這個強大的 AI 繪圖工具。. 在這篇文章中,我們將引導您完成使用 Tensor Art 的步驟,涵蓋模型、取樣方法、微調等。. 讀完教學後,您將掌握如何創作自己的 AI 生成藝術。.


Create a new reality with our next generation, high-quality, uncensored Image AI. Sign up! Get in touch…. The artworks you create belong to you, and you can use them commercially due to print-quality upscale. We solve your problems with AI: creating outst

Image AI by Tengr.ai

Uncensored creativity “Censorship is to art as lynching is to justice.” The words of Henry Louis Gates Jr became more relevant today with the over-censored image AI models. Instead of trying to censor words you input, we believe in unabridged creativity.

Tengrai (@Tengrai_com) X

We teach machines to create outstanding experiences. We are a European #ai startup with a state-of-the-art image generator and many industrial models.


Peter St Clair. April 9 ·. I guess this is the best place for feedback, as the Tengr.ai page itself doesn't allow posting. These are 3 images I've liked so far enough to save. As you mentioned, Péter, I look forward to seeing the image quality a y


Tengrai. 8338 likes · 136 talking about this. Create a new reality with our next generation, high-quality, uncensored Image AI! www.tengr.ai.

Tengrai Artificial Intelligence

Tengr.ai will help you create art from text prompts, images, and even simple drawings. It will allow you to edit and improve the results afterward.


Tengriisnotconsideredadeityintheusualsense,butapersonificationoftheuniverse.[4]However,somequalitiesassociatedwithTengriasthejudgeandsourceoflife,andbeingeternalandsupreme,ledEuropeanandMuslimwriterstoidentifyTeng,2024年2月18日—WearehiringajuniorUnrealEnginedeveloper(andasenioroneaswellformoremoneyobviously).–Startingjuniorsalary:1000+euronet ...,TensorArt在揭開這一過程的神秘面紗,幫助您探索AI...