In Conclusion

ThisappallowsyoutotakenotesinrealtimewhilewatchingYouTubevideos.◉Howtousetheapp.It'sveryeasytouse ...,評分4.4(5)·免費·iOSHaveyoueverthought,IwanttotakenoteswhilewatchingYouTubevideosThisappallowsyoutotakenotesinrealtimewhilewatchingYouTubevideos....。參考影片的文章的如下:


在App Store 上的「TubeNote

This app allows you to take notes in real time while watching YouTube videos. ◉ How to use the app. It's very easy to use ...


評分 4.4 (5) · 免費 · iOS Have you ever thought, I want to take notes while watching YouTube videos This app allows you to take notes in real time while watching YouTube videos.

TubeNote 影片筆記App,讓你邊看YouTube、邊記錄重點!

它將影片與筆記做了完美的結合,在程式畫面的上半部會顯示YouTube 的首頁,下半部則是可以做筆記的部份,在看任何影片時都可以隨時的記下任何需要記錄的重點, ...

YouTube 邊睇片邊做筆記TubeNote 簡易記錄重點

《TubeNote》是一款第三方《YouTube》播放器,可將畫面一分為二,上半部分播放影片,下半部分則是筆記簿,用戶能隨時打字記錄影片中的重點,以便日後重溫時立即 ...

TubeNote - Note watching video

想要在視頻上做個人筆記並保存的人。 立即使用“TubeNote”在觀看視頻時做筆記! 筆記: 這個應用程序是第三個應用程序。所有內容均由YouTube 服務提供。此 ...

TubeNote - Note watching video

Have you ever thought, I want to take notes while watching videos This app allows you to take notes in real time while watching videos.

TubeNote 讓你能一邊看YouTube 影片,一邊紀錄筆記的免費App

TubeNote 讓你能一邊看YouTube 影片,一邊紀錄筆記的免費App ... 現在YouTube 上有非常多影片,無論是學英文、烹飪、知識、理財、甚至是人生都能找到,而且很多 ...


評分 5.0 (1) · 免費 · iOS You can use TubeNote to take notes in real time while watching YouTube. Saved memos can be viewed and edited at any time from the memo list page.


TubeNotes allows you to summarize any YouTube video quickly and easily. Get concise video summaries to save time and enhance your learning experience.


ThisappallowsyoutotakenotesinrealtimewhilewatchingYouTubevideos.◉Howtousetheapp.It'sveryeasytouse ...,評分4.4(5)·免費·iOSHaveyoueverthought,IwanttotakenoteswhilewatchingYouTubevideosThisappallowsyoutotakenotesinrealtimewhilewatchingYouTubevideos.,它將影片與筆記做了完美的結合,在程式畫面的上半部會顯示YouTube的首頁,下半部則是可以做筆記的部份,在看任何影片時都可以隨時的記下任何需要記錄的重點, ....