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Selection.TypeText(String) Method
Required String. The text to be inserted. Remarks. If the ReplaceSelection property is True, the selection is replaced by the specified text.
透過VBA Word97印表格
TypeText Text:=第一格 .Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell .Selection.TypeText Text:=第二格 .Selection.Cells.VerticalAlignment = wdCellAlignVerticalCenter ...
Overview of TypeText Acitvity
TypeText syntax. Typetext sends the text from the Property Text as a sequence of keys, to what ever application has focus right now (or windows, if none).
typeText. const char * typeText() const. 傳回異常狀況類型的字串表示法,例如objectCreationError、invalidArgument。 上層主題: 公用方法.
typeText() | TestController
t.typeText Method. Types a string into an input field, a textarea element, or an element with the contenteditable attribute. The method is chainable.