Unroll.Me - Email Cleanup on the App Store
評分 4.7 (118,261) · 免費 · iOS Easily unsubscribe from unwanted emails, keep the ones you want, and rollup those that you don't want to unsubscribe from, but also don't necessarily want to ...
Unroll.Me - Email Cleanup
評分 4.6 (73,796) · 免費 · Android · 使用Unroll.Me,我們將向您顯示收件箱中的所有訂閱電子郵件,並讓您完全控制要對它們執行的操作。輕鬆退訂不需要的電子郵件,保留您想要的電子郵件,並彙總您 ...
My Account
Emails are disappearing from my inbox — what can I do? If I deleted my 'Unroll.Me' folder, does that mean my account was deleted? How do I delete my Unroll.Me ... How do I delete my Unroll.Me... · If I delete my Unroll.Me...
Delete Your Account
Enter an email address associated with your account below. A verification code will be sent to your email for final confirmation.
With the new Unroll.Me, you can unsubscribe from unwanted emails, keep the ones you want, and rollup the rest into a single daily digest. Submit a request · Support · Data Usage · Discover Our App
Unroll.Me app
The power of Unroll.Me right in your pocket. The Unroll.Me app is packed with everything you need to regain control of your inbox.
Your privacy is important
Unroll.Me is owned by NielsenIQ, an e-commerce measurement business that provides companies with insights into industry trends, corporate performance, and the ...
Unroll 快速退訂電子報! Google人也推薦的郵件清理
目前「 Unroll.me 」支援Outlook.com (including Hotmail, MSN, & Windows Live)、Gmail、Google Apps、Yahoo! Mail、AOL Mail、iCloud 等電子郵件帳戶。