
Url2QrCode.URL转二维码(ChromeExtension),想躺在床上用手机看电脑上打开的页面,又不想繁琐的输入网址(URL)怎摸办?快,上扩展!能把网站转换成二维码的Chrome ...,FreeOnlineQRCodeGeneratortomakeyourownQRCodes.SupportsDynamicCodes,Tracking,Analytics,Freetext,vCardsandmore.,URL2QRCode,aFirefoxadd-onthatturnsyourURLsintoQRcodeimageswithoutnetworkconnection.License.MITlicense.,ConverttheURLtoQRcode.Just...


Url2QrCode. URL 转二维码(Chrome Extension), 想躺在床上用手机看电脑上打开的页面,又不想繁琐的输入网址(URL)怎摸办?快,上扩展!能把网站转换成二维码的Chrome ...

QR Code Generator

Free Online QR Code Generator to make your own QR Codes. Supports Dynamic Codes, Tracking, Analytics, Free text, vCards and more.


URL2QRCode,a Firefox add-on that turns your URLs into QR code images without network connection. License. MIT license.


Convert the URL to QRcode. Just help you Convert the URL to QRcode. Just Do It! - one key to convert the URL of current TAB - convert any text in the option ...


Convert the URL to QRcode. Just help you Convert the URL to QRcode. Just Do It! - one key to convert the URL of current TAB - convert any text in the option ...

Url2QRCode for Google Chrome

2023年2月9日 — You can generate a QR Code for any URL you want, so now you can generate a QR Code for any page, be it a website, a blog, an email or an SMS. Of ...


Télécharger URL2QRCode pour Firefox. Converts Current URL to QRCode.一键转换当前地址栏链接为二维码,无需联网快速生成二维码.


2024年4月25日 — Download URL2QRCode for Firefox. Converts Current URL to QRCode.一键转换当前地址栏链接为二维码,无需联网快速生成二维码.