
在App Store 上的「Vemos - Venue Management」

Introducing a truly comprehensive solution to manage your entire venue. Built specifically for nightclubs, bars, and concert venues, ...

在中文中翻译vemos - 例句西班牙语

En Europa, vemos un panorama diferente. 在欧洲,我们看到的是不同的趋势。


Vemos是一個免費的Chrome 擴充功能,主打「即使相隔數千英里,朋友還是能一起線上看影片」,官方除了支援Netflix、Prime Video、YouTube、Hulu 與Disney Plus等影音串流平台 ...

nolaneovemos: Virtual movie nights made easy.

Vemos is a Chrome extension for making virtual movie nights with friends so much better. The goal is to make it feel like you and your friends are all in ...

Vemos Pay

評分 5.0 (6) · 免費 · Android · Vemos Pay 讓您直接從手機查看、分割和支付支票,快速、安全、輕鬆- 現在具有Apple Pay 和Google Pay 的簡單支付功能。保存您最喜歡的商品,獲得購買獎勵,並 ...

Google Play 上「Vemos」的Android 應用程式

Vemos. 螢幕截圖圖片. 縮圖圖片. Vemos - Venue Management. Vemos. 4.3star · 螢幕截圖圖片. 縮圖圖片. Vemos - ID Scan. Vemos. 3.6star · 螢幕截圖圖片. 縮圖圖片.


Now you and your friends can watch movies together, in sync, with full video chat right on your favourite sites. For free. Get it free on the Chrome store ...

Vemos Creates Personalized Guest Experiences for Hospitality

Vemos allows restaurants, bars, breweries, wineries concert venues and hospitality venues & brands deliver personalized experiences to their customers. About Vemos | Personalized... · Get Started with Vemos Pay · ID Scan · Vēmos Ap

Vemos Pay

Easily View, split and pay your check at restaurants & bars with Vemos Pay. No fees. More secure. Sign up and get $5 toward your first check.

聽下「vemos」喺西班牙語, 葡萄牙語入面點讀

發音指南:收聽「vemos」嘅地道西班牙語, 葡萄牙語發音。包括「vemos」嘅讀音及翻譯。


Introducingatrulycomprehensivesolutiontomanageyourentirevenue.Builtspecificallyfornightclubs,bars,andconcertvenues, ...,EnEuropa,vemosunpanoramadiferente.在欧洲,我们看到的是不同的趋势。,Vemos是一個免費的Chrome擴充功能,主打「即使相隔數千英里,朋友還是能一起線上看影片」,官方除了支援Netflix、PrimeVideo、YouTube、Hulu與DisneyPlus等影音串流平台 ...,VemosisaChromeextensionformakingvirtualmovienig...