Virtual Cottage Gameplay PC Steam [ Free to Play ] Soft 2020 ...



Virtual Cottage by DU&I

The app is meant to help you get started with your tasks and hopefully get's you into the flow state. You can only toggle music and sound to avoid distraction.

Steam 社群:

Virtual Cottage gives you a comfy place to rest and be productive without any distractions. Open the game, set yourself a goal and enjoy the atmosphere. 造訪 ...

Virtual Cottage on Steam

2020年10月7日 — Virtual Cottage features amazing lo-fi music from various talented artists. To complete the relaxing atmosphere, a rain sound can be toggled on ...

Virtual Cottage

Virtual Cottage gives you a comfy place to rest and be productive without any distractions. Open the game, set yourself a goal and enjoy the atmosphere.

Virtual Cottage

2023年7月19日 — Welcome to Virtual Cottage! Here, you can create a cozy and distraction-free environment to focus on your tasks and accomplish them with ease.


Theappismeanttohelpyougetstartedwithyourtasksandhopefullyget'syouintotheflowstate.Youcanonlytogglemusicandsoundtoavoiddistraction.,VirtualCottagegivesyouacomfyplacetorestandbeproductivewithoutanydistractions.Openthegame,setyourselfagoalandenjoytheatmosphere.造訪 ...,2020年10月7日—VirtualCottagefeaturesamazinglo-fimusicfromvarioustalentedartists.Tocompletetherelaxingatmosphere,arainsoundcanbeto...