
VIVEZA翻譯:liveliness,liveliness,agility,liveliness,sharpness,dash,sparkle。了解更多。,在AppleMusic聆聽Viveza的音樂。尋找Viveza最熱門的歌曲和專輯,包括《ElVito,Vol.3(Arr.forParlorEnsemble)》、《Youkali(TangoHabanera)(Arr.for ...,Theseintelligentcontrolsallowyoutotargetchangesincolor,contrast,tones,saturation,andmorewithabsoluteprecisioninjustafewclicks.,它非常适合对图像的特定部分进行精确更改...


VIVEZA翻譯:liveliness, liveliness, agility, liveliness, sharpness, dash, sparkle。了解更多。


在Apple Music 聆聽Viveza的音樂。 尋找Viveza最熱門的歌曲和專輯,包括《El Vito, Vol. 3 (Arr. for Parlor Ensemble)》、《Youkali (Tango Habanera) (Arr. for ...

Nik Viveza: Creative photo effects at your fingertips

These intelligent controls allow you to target changes in color, contrast, tones, saturation, and more with absolute precision in just a few clicks.

Nik Viveza:创意照片效果触手可得


局部调整神器- Nik Viveza插件详细教程

有一款局部调整工具,既和径向滤镜、渐变滤镜一样使用简单,又有比肩复杂画笔、选区蒙版的精确程度,那就是谷歌公司的Nik Viveza插件。今天的视频教程,托马斯就会和大家 ...

A Dummy's Guide: How to Use Viveza 2, Nik Software

書名:A Dummy's Guide: How to Use Viveza 2, Nik Software,語言:英文,ISBN:9781493729340,頁數:100,作者:Curtis, Jonathan,出版日期:2013/11/20,類別:藝術設計.


商品簡介: 這張以改編自拉威爾「五點鐘狐步舞」為標題的演奏專輯,在精緻而充滿活力的合奏中,充分展現舞曲的節奏與快感。除了愛樂者熟悉的蓋希文、艾爾加、克萊斯勒、德 ...

What's New for You: Nik Viveza available as a filter! No ...

You can now access Nik Viveza from within Nik Color Efex, as though it's a native filter. More creative possibilities. Ready to try it? # ...

Supercharging Color & Tone with Nik Viveza

Nik Viveza is a tool devoted exclusively to Colour and Tone. It is part of the Nik Collection and can be used as a standalone app or as a ...