Why WebP is About to Change Website Images Forever



How to Optimize Your Website's Images with WebP

WebP utilizes both lossless and lossy compression techniques, resulting in significantly smaller file sizes without sacrificing image quality.

Compress WEBP

To optimize WEBP images for web use, start by resizing the image to the exact dimensions needed for your web page, which helps minimize file size. Then, select ...

WebP image compressor for the smallest file size at best quality

This WebP image compressor converts your lossless PNGs or high quality JPEGs into lossy WebPs with the smallest file size and best quality possible.

Compression Techniques | WebP

WebP is a new image format developed by Google and supported in Chrome, Opera and Android that is optimized to enable faster and smaller images on the Web.

WebP image and animation compressor

Online WebP image optimizer / compressor. Compress WebP files to reduce file size. You can enter quality factor for lossless compression.

WebP Images

WebP is an image format that works magic by reducing file size without compromising the beauty of the photo. This means images load faster.


The simplest image optimization tool to improve web performance and save time. It takes one click to resize, compress and convert your images to WebP and Avif. Pricing · Imagify · WordPress plugin · Free Image Compression Tool...


The online compressor empowers you to easily optimize your images. Seamlessly convert to WebP or efficiently compress extensive batches to minimize file sizes.

Image Optimizer

評分 3.8 (127) · 免費 Automatically resize, optimize, and convert images to WebP and AVIF. Compress images in bulk or on upload to boost your WordPress site performance.

Image Optimization by Optimole

評分 4.7 (601) · 免費 Automatically compress, optimize and serve scaled images as well as convert WebP & AVIF all from CloudFront CDN. Lazy load included.


WebPutilizesbothlosslessandlossycompressiontechniques,resultinginsignificantlysmallerfilesizeswithoutsacrificingimagequality.,TooptimizeWEBPimagesforwebuse,startbyresizingtheimagetotheexactdimensionsneededforyourwebpage,whichhelpsminimizefilesize.Then,select ...,ThisWebPimagecompressorconvertsyourlosslessPNGsorhighqualityJPEGsintolossyWebPswiththesmallestfilesizeandbestqualitypossible.,WebPisa...

PNGGauntlet 3.1.2 - PNG圖檔批次壓縮最佳化工具

PNGGauntlet 3.1.2 - PNG圖檔批次壓縮最佳化工具
