2005年6月8日—Solved:Hi,thetermsWinGUIandSAPGUIforWindowsarefrequentlyusedassynonymsintheseforums,yettheyseemtobedifferent.,EnablingSAPWinGUIAPIscriptingallowsyoutocreatereliableautomationsfortheSAPWinGUI.StudioandRobotsrequireSAPWinGUIscriptingtobeenabled ...,GolangGUIlibraryforwindows,UIcreatedbyResEditorVisualStudioResourceEditor-whtiehack/wingui.,AtransactioniViewiscalledfromwithintheEnterp...

WinGUI vs. SAPGUI for Windows.

2005年6月8日 — Solved: Hi, the terms WinGUI and SAPGUI for Windows are frequently used as synonyms in these forums, yet they seem to be different.


Enabling SAP WinGUI API scripting allows you to create reliable automations for the SAP WinGUI. Studio and Robots require SAP WinGUI scripting to be enabled ...


Golang GUI library for windows, UI created by ResEdit or Visual Studio Resource Editor - whtiehack/wingui.


A transaction iView is called from within the Enterprise Portal There is a requirement to call always SAP GUI for Windows (WINGUI) in a particular language ...

WinGUI 1.0.1

2018年2月14日 — WinGUI is a PowerShell module that provides a rich user interface for executing repeatable code. The features were built on top of the .NET ...

WinGUI 1.0.3

2019年5月27日 — WinGUI · 1.0.3 · Installation Options · Owners · Copyright · Package Details · FileList · Version History. Version, Downloads, Last updated. 1.0 ...

wingui function

wingui: Manipulate the Windows Rgui. Description. Manipulate the Windows Rgui. Arguments. Powered by DataCamp.