
How to Keep Folders Up to Date with WinSCP

The keepuptodate command in WinSCP allows your remote directory and local directory to be synchronized with each other. Once you start the function, WinSCP will ...

Using WinSCP's scripting, when syncing a remote dir to ...

2021年2月3日 — When I run the WinSCP script, it connects and synchronizes perfectly the files from the remote directory to the local directory, but it doesn't ...

How do I create script that synchronizes files and deletes ...

2023年5月23日 — You can do this using -delete switch of the put (or get ) command. WinSCP deletes the source file, when it is successfully transferred to the ...

Directory Synchronization

2018年11月16日 — WinSCP can synchronize content of local directory with remote one or vice versa or even mutually. Find the function in Commands > Synchronize.

synchronize command

2024年2月15日 — Synchronizes content of a local directory with a remote one or vice versa or mutually. Syntax; Remarks; Examples; Converting to .NET Assembly.


2020年8月21日 — You can synchronize directories by manually uploading and downloading the changed files. For this you may find useful features like Synchronize ...

Synchronize Dialog

2024年2月15日 — In Synchronize Dialog you select direction, mode and options for synchronization. To display the dialog go to Commands > Synchronize or click ...

Synchronize Files with FTP Server or SFTP Server

2018年11月9日 — To synchronize, go to Commands > Synchronize (in the main menu). The Synchronize dialog will appear, where you can select a synchronization mode ...

What is the Difference between Synchronize files and Mirror?

2013年8月14日 — With Synchronize files mode, the newer files in source directory are transferred to the opposite directory. With Mirror files mode, the ...


ThekeepuptodatecommandinWinSCPallowsyourremotedirectoryandlocaldirectorytobesynchronizedwitheachother.Onceyoustartthefunction,WinSCPwill ...,2021年2月3日—WhenIruntheWinSCPscript,itconnectsandsynchronizesperfectlythefilesfromtheremotedirectorytothelocaldirectory,butitdoesn't ...,2023年5月23日—Youcandothisusing-deleteswitchoftheput(orget)command.WinSCPdeletesthesourcefile,whenitissuccessfullytra...

FTPbox 2.6.3 利用FTP/SFTP打造自己的Dropbox

FTPbox 2.6.3 利用FTP/SFTP打造自己的Dropbox
